Web Push: Conversion Attribution Windows
  • 15 Jan 2024
  • 3 Minutes to read

    Web Push: Conversion Attribution Windows

      Article Summary

      Campaign Eligibility DurationClick Attribution WindowGoal Attribution Window After a Click*
      Single PushN/AN/A30 minutes (session-based)
      Trigger Push14 days (Configurable)14 days (Configurable)30 minutes (session-based)
      Cart Reminder PushDepending on the campaign rule14 days (Configurable)30 minutes (session-based)
      Price & Stock Alert PushDepending on the campaign rule14 days (Configurable)30 minutes (session-based)
      API Targeted PushN/AN/A30 minutes (session-based)

      *Our default conversion attribution window is 30 minutes. If a user continues to interact with the website before this 30-min session ends, the session is extended as it is on Google Analytics.

      Click Attribution Window

      When a user clicks an off-site web push notification (i.e. single and API targeted pushes), a campaign key is created on their local storage. This key expires in 1 day, but does not affect the click attribution and eligibility as these push types are triggered via Inone or the web push API.

      When a user triggers an on-site web push notification (i.e. trigger, cart reminder, price & stock alert pushes) on their browser, a campaign key is created on their local storage. This key expires in 14 days by default. You can configure this duration on the Goal step of your web push notification. This duration is reset every time the user triggers this web push notification.

      The click attribution window defines the duration to count a click as a click conversion after a user receives a web push notification. For example, if a user receives and on-site notification on August 10th and clicks it 10 days later, it will be a click conversion. If they click it on the 15th day, the campaign key on their local storage will have expired and the click will not be counted as a click conversion.

      The expiry date of the campaign key, namely the click attribution window, only affects the eligibility of trigger push. If a user triggers a trigger push based on its segment and rule conditions, they will not trigger it until the campaign key expires — unless it is restricted by global frequency capping.

      As for the other automated push types (i.e. cart reminder, price  & stock alert), a user can trigger them each time they trigger the campaign rule regardless of the campaign key duration — unless restricted by the campaign or channel frequency capping.

      Attribution Window After a Click

      On off-site web push types (i.e. single and API targeted pushes), all goal conversions within 30 minutes after a user clicks the notification are counted as new conversions. After this 30-min duration, they are not counted as new conversions.

      Let's say a user receives a web push notification and clicks it 5 days later. Their conversion will still be counted as a conversion if they complete the goal in 30 minutes since their campaign key is created when they click the notification.

      On on-site web push types (i.e. trigger, cart reminder, price & stock alert pushes), all goal conversions within 30 minutes after a user clicks the notification are counted as new conversions. After this 30-min duration, they are not counted as new conversions.

      Let's say a user receives a web push notification and clicks it 15 days later, which is later than the 14-day click attribution window. Their conversion will not be counted as a conversion if they complete the goal in 30 minutes as their campaign key has expired 1 day ago — since it was created 14 days ago when the user triggered the push notification.

      Your title goes here
      When a user clicks a web push notification, you can track it as a session on Google Analytics. However, this does not mean that clicks and sessions will be equal. If the same user visits your website 30 minutes later – without coming from another source or campaign –, this will increase the session count but not the click count. On Google Analytics, you can see this session attributed to the last campaign. That's why the number of sessions might be more than the number of clicks.

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