Syncing Audience from Segment to Insider
  • 24 Apr 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read

    Syncing Audience from Segment to Insider

      Article Summary

      You can establish Insider as a destination in Segment’s ecosystem, and send any Engage Audiences and Computed Traits to Insider. With this integration, you can enable Insider to collect Segment’s Engage Audiences and Computed Traits.

      Your title goes here
      Your title goes here
      Segment Audiences enables you to create Audiences based on events performed by users and their characteristics. Read more on Segment Audiences.

      This integration guide provides a complete frame of:

      Use Cases

      Syncing your Audiences from Segment to Insider helps you leverage a range of use cases as follows:

      • Channel Activation
      • Personalizing user experience

      Channel Activation

      You can sync your engaged audiences and computed traits to Insider InOne to activate segments across various channels such as email, SMS, and WhatsApp

      Personalizing User Experience

      You can leverage the synced engaged audiences that are passed from Segment, and deliver personalized user experiences and messaging based on the engagement you have created on your Segment panel.

      Configuring Insider as a destination

      Follow these steps to configure Insider as a destination in your Segment account.
      1. Log into your Segment account to find Insider Audiences in the destination catalog.

      2. Click Insider Cloud Audiences > Configure Insider to select the source. Make sure that you select the space instead of any source which is connected to your Segment Engage so that destination can be used to send Engage Audiences to Insider.

      3. Configure your Insider account settings for the integration.

      4. Enter your Insider API key and partner name.

      Your title goes here
      Follow API Authentication Tokens to create an API key for UCD. Your partner name is your panel name on Insider.

      5. Use the toggle to enable the Insider integration.

      6. Create a new mapping and select Insider Audiences action.

      7. Configure your settings and make sure to turn on the action from integration listing page.

      8. You are all set! Now, connect your Audiences to Insider Audience integration.

      How to sync Segment Engage on Insider's InOne

      1. Once you complete the setup process, navigate to your Engage space and select the Audience that you want to sync to Insider.

      2. Once you select, click +add destination.

      3. Make sure that you select Insider Audiences since the regular Insider destination does not support to sync Engage data. 

      4. Send Identify (Required): Turn on to sync all users that enter and exit into your Engage Audience to Insider.5. Send Track (Optional): Turn on to send events when users enter or exit Engage Audience. Insider receives the event names that is entered under the Enter and Exit event.6. That's it! You can now send your engaged audiences from Segment to Insider and start automating journeys and personalizations.
      Your title goes here
      Syncing Engage Audiences to Insider might take some time. Time to sync Audiences might vary according to the number of users being synced for each Audience.

      How to segment Segment Engage on Insider's InOne

      Once you have completed syncing Engage to Insider, you can utilize the synced Audiences for all messaging channels and Architect.

      Your title goes here
      Sycned Audiences cannot be segmented on OnSite products.

      1. Navigate to the segmentation step on any channel or to the dynamic segment.

      2. Click on the Attribute box under the Standart Segment tab.

      3. Select Segment Audience Name under the segment dropdown and select the Engage Audience that you have synced from the dropdown.

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