Standard Segments: Reachability on Channel
  • 22 Feb 2024
  • 1 Minute to read

    Standard Segments: Reachability on Channel

      Article Summary

      Reachability On Channels allows you to see the number of reachable users on each channel. Therefore, you can target your users based on their reachability on a channel.

      The number of reachable users on a single channel is compared to the total number of known and unknown users in the estimated audience. 

      Your title goes here
      The requirements to use the reachability on channels segment are as follows:
      - Each channel that is going to be used has been subscribed and activated.
      - There should be at least 1 reachable user in the respective channel you want to target.

      To use reachability on channels, ensure that the key & value pairs are present on your panel and they have values:

      EmailSMSWhatsAppApp PushWeb Push
      email should be availablepn (phone_number) should be availablepn (phone_number) should be availabledevice token should be availablewpt (web push token) should be available
      eo (email optin)  should be availablegdpr should be availablegdpr should be availablepush optin should be availablewpl (web push language) should be available
      gdpr should be availableso (sms_optin) should be availablewbo (whats_app_business_opt_in) should be availablegdpr should be availablewpo (web push optin) should be available

      If you are using double optin, double_optin should be available

      sms_opt_out_user should be availablewa_opt_out_user should be available--

      If your company obtains your users' consent in compliance with the local regulations, make sure to pass the GDPR opt-in field to Insider. If you want to stop collecting and processing the data of an identified user, GDPR opt-in field should have the false value. Insider cannot be held liable if these obligations are not fulfilled and reserves the right to seek compensation from your company.

      You can choose reachable or unreachable to target your users on a specific channel.

      The available channels are:

      • Web Push
      • App Push
      • Email
      • SMS
      • WhatsApp
      • Facebook

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