Standard Segments: Location
  • 24 Oct 2023
  • 1 Minute to read

    Standard Segments: Location

      Article Summary

      Using Location allows us to resolve the location of the device by using the IP address that was used the last time by the device. IP is a phone address given by an internet access point and regarding that it can be pinpointed to a location. Last known devices' IP are used to locate the device.

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      The requirements to use the location segment are as follows:
      - For the Web Suite, the location information will be immediately collected by default.
      - For the Mobile App Suite, each app will have to submit their own location tracking permission to Google and Apple. Once the approval is granted, Insider can automatically retrieve their location information.

      You can choose location based on:

      • City: Select a city or cities that the user was located the last time they opened the device.
      • Country: Select a country or countries that the user was located the last time they opened the device.

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