Standard Segments: Geofence
  • 24 Oct 2023
  • 1 Minute to read

    Standard Segments: Geofence

      Article Summary

      Geofences are the location bubbles that you can set in Components > Geofence.

      You can create your own location maps and name them (e.g. "Our Office" or "Outlet_store_London_12"). Whenever a user arrives or leaves the specified geolocation, this segment is triggered.

      Your title goes here
      The requirements to use the geofence segment are as follows:
      - The Mobile App suite needs to be subscribed, activated, and integrated.
      - At least 1 geofence that has been set up.

      You choose the previously created geolocation from the dropdown menu, together with the operator and enter the necessary value, and time range accordingly.

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