Send Transactional Emails
  • 22 Apr 2024
  • 4 Minutes to read

    Send Transactional Emails

      Article Summary

      The domains from which you send transactional emails must be authorized. If you have any questions regarding domain authorization, or want to authenticate more domains, you can create a ticket to Insider's Operational Excellence Team for your query to be redirected to Insider's deliverability team. If you try to send your transactional emails from an unauthorized domain, you will receive an error message and your emails cannot be sent


      This API enables you to send targeted ecommerce and personalized one to one emails to your users. You can trigger these emails once a user takes a specific action on your platform.

      You can use transactional emails to:

      • Send a post-purchase email to share details about a purchase/booking,
      • Help your users reset their password if they forget it,
      • Confirm an order a user places,
      • Share delivery tracking details of a purchase (when it is shipped, on the way, and delivered) and to take many other actions.

      Endpoint and Headers



      HeaderSample ValueDescription
      X-INS-AUTH-KEY1a2b3c4d5e6fThis key is required to authorize your request. Refer to API Authentication Tokens to generate your token.
      Content-Typeapplication/jsonThis header specifies the media type of the resource.
      cache-controlno-cacheThis header specifies browser caching in requests and responses.

      Body Parameters

      ParameterDescriptionData TypeRequired
      subjectSubject line that is sent to the recipientStringYes
      tosEmail address(es) to send the email toArrayYes
      User nameStringNo
      Email address of the recipientStringNo
      fromEmail address that the email is sent fromObjectYes
      Name that is used as the sender nameStringNo
      Email address that is used as the sender emailStringNo
      contentContent of the emailArrayYes
      Type of your email contentStringNo
      Email contentStringYes
      ccEmail address(es) to send a carbon copy of the email toArrayNo
      User nameStringNo
      Email address of the recipient in the ccStringNo
      bccEmail address(es) to send a blank carbon copy of the email toArrayNo
      User nameStringNo
      Email address of the recipient that is in bccStringNo
      reply-toReply-to address and name that are used to send the email toObjectNo
      Reply-to name that the email is replied toStringNo
      Reply-to email that the email is replied toStringNo
      attachmentsAny attachments in the emailArrayNo
      Base64 encoded content of the attachmentStringNo
      Attached file nameStringNo
      dynamic_fieldsDynamic fields that you can use to personalize the content (e.g. first_name, last_name, product_name1, etc.)ObjectNo
      unique_argsUnique arguments of transactional emails used for tracking purposesObjectNo
      callbackThe endpoint that you define to receive the webhook eventsObjectNo
      Callback endpointStringNo
      The secret key to encrypt the body of your webhook events in SHA1 algorithmStringNo
      dispositionComes with the value “inline” to embed CID image*StringNo
      content_idDefined ID of the embedded imageStringNo

      *CID images function by appending the image to the email you transmit. Subsequently, standard HTML image tags are employed, directing to the image and embedding it in the email when the recipient opens it. To embed the image into your transactional email, follow these steps:

      1. Attach the image to the transactional email using the following configuration:

      "attachments": [
          "disposition": "inline",
          "file_name": "image.jpg",
          "contentType": "image/jpeg",
          "content_id": "myimagecid",
          "content": "your_image_encoded_in_base64_goes_here_as_a_string"

      2. Embed the image into your transactional email with the following configuration:

      "content": [
          "type": "text/html",
          "value": "<p>Embedded image:</p><br><img src=\"cid:myimagecid\"/>"

      Sample Example

      Sample Request

      Every request made to the request endpoint requires a request body formatted in JSON and containing your email's content and metadata (e.g. to, reply-to, and email subject).

      your title goes here
      Make sure to replace the sample values in the request header(s) and body where required before sending your request.
      curl --location --request POST '' \
      --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      --header 'Cache-Control: no-cache' \
      --header 'X-INS-AUTH-KEY: 1a2b3c4e5d6f' \
      --header 'Cookie: __cfduid=d1a0bc0c8335c7fecbd3485839787329b1615112066' \
      --data-raw '{
        "subject": "Hello",
        "tos": [
            "name": "John Doe",
            "email": ""
        "from": {
          "name": "Posh Street",
          "email": ""
        "content": [
            "type": "text/html",
            "value": "<p>I am {{first_name}}.</p>"
        "cc": [
            "name": "User in CC",
            "email": ""
        "bcc": [
            "name": "User in BCC",
            "email": ""
        "reply_to": {
          "name": "Reply to",
          "email": ""
        "dynamic_fields": {
          "first_name": "John",
          "last_name": "Doe",
          "product_name1": "Laptop",
          "price1": "$1000",
          "product_name2": "Iphone",
          "price2": "$850"
        "unique_args": {
          "category": "Confirmation Email",
          "purchase_channel": "App"
        "attachments": [
            "content": "aW5zaWRlciB0ZXN0",
            "file_name": "file.txt"
        "callback": {
          "url": "yourcallbackurl",
          "secret": "yoursecret"

      Sample Responses

      202 Accepted

      This response indicates that your request was successfully completed.

          "message_id": "8e664ecd-352d-4dbd-9786-ceb78b5b173b",
          "status_message": "accepted"

      400 Bad Request

      This response indicates that your request is missing the email address in the 'to' parameter.

        "errors": [
          "Missing 'email' on 'tos' parameter"
        "status_message": "failed to validate request"

      400 Bad Request

      This response indicates that the request has an invalid callback URL.

        "errors": [
          "Invalid callback URL in 'url' on 'callback'"
        "status_message": "failed to validate request"

      400 Missing Content Type

      This response indicates that the content type header of the request is incorrect.

        "message": "content type must be application/json",
        "status": 400

      400 Missing Subject Line

      This response indicates that the request is missing the 'subject' parameter.

        "errors": [
          "Missing 'subject' parameter"
        "message": "bad-request",
        "status": 400

      400 Missing Content

      This response indicates that the request is missing the 'content' parameter.

        "errors": [
          "Missing 'content' parameter"
        "message": "bad-request",
        "status": 400

      400 Missing 'from' Parameter

      This response indicates that the request is missing the 'from' parameter.

        "errors": [
          "Missing 'from' parameter"
        "message": "bad-request",
        "status": 400

      400 Missing 'to' Parameter

      This response indicates that the request is missing the 'to' parameter.

        "errors": [
          "Missing 'to' parameter"
        "message": "bad-request",
        "status": 400

      401 Invalid API Key

      This response indicates that the API key provided in the request is invalid, expired, or revoked.

        "message": "The provided API key is invalid, expired or revoked",
        "status": 401

      401 Unauthenticated Domain

      This response indicates that your domain is not authenticated.

        "message": "The domain you are trying to use is not authenticated. Please create a support ticket for the Insider Support Team to authenticate it.",
        "status": 401


      • All functions must be executed with a simple HTTPS POST request.
      • Only new emails can be sent via this API. No data can be retrieved.
      • The API Key should be provided as the authorization key on the request header. If the key is incorrect, the operation will not be executed and an authorization error will return in the response.
      • Transactional API cannot be used for sending bulk emails. It is designed only to set transactional emails.
      • The rate limit is 2000 requests per second.

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