WhatsApp Subscriber Analytics
  • 29 Sep 2023
  • 1 Minute to read

    WhatsApp Subscriber Analytics

      Article Summary

      WhatsApp Subscriber Analytics allows you to see details about your subscribers. You can track the number of subscribers to see the growth so that you can create more effective campaigns for your subscriber base to grow.

      To reach the dashboard, navigate to Reports > WhatsApp Subscriber Analytics.

      Selecting a time range using the date picker on the top right corner of the page, you can filter the performance metrics.

      Subscriber Analytics

      Narrowing down your results, you can see the following metrics:

      • Subscribers: The total number of your WhatsApp message recipients in the selected period of time.
      • Subscribers Growth: The percentage of increase (or decrease) in your Subscribers in the selected period of time.
      • Unsubscribers: The number of recipients who unsubscribed for your WhatsApp messages in the selected period of time.
      • Unsubscribers Growth: The percentage of increase (or decrease) in your Unsubscribers in the selected period of time.

      The charts section displays net growth details both of your subscribers and unsubscribers on a line chart based on your time range selection.

      Your title goes here
      If a user blocks your WhatsApp Business phone number, the user doesn't count as an unsubscriber.

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