Weather Rules
  • 01 Nov 2023
  • 1 Minute to read

    Weather Rules

      Article Summary

      Weather Rules enable you to trigger your campaign based on the weather conditions at a user's location.

      • Current Temperature: Triggers your campaign based on the current temperature in degrees Celsius (e.g. Current temperature - is greater than - 20).
      • Current Weather: Triggers your campaign based on the current weather (e.g. Current weather - is - Rainy).
      • Temperature in Future: Triggers your campaign based on the temperature (in degrees Celsius) in future (e.g. Temperature in future - is greater than - Tomorrow - 20). For example, if you set it to 20 degree or lower tomorrow, when the temperature at any point tomorrow gets below 20 degrees, the campaign will be visible.
      • Weather in Future: Triggers your campaign based on the weather in future (e.g. Weather in future - is not - Clear Day - Tomorrow).

      Use Cases

      • You can send a notification to users on a rainy day and remind them to meet their needs and redirect them to your website.
      • You can specialize the responsive banners and change messages with the relevant content in line with the weather conditions.
      • You can display responsive onsite message layouts or countdowns and offer the best holiday offers by using weather conditions.
      • You can send a notification to users and add personalized content e.g. “today it is less than 0 °C, grab a cup of coffee and read your book

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