Architect Journey: Wait for Attribute
  • 27 Oct 2023
  • 3 Minutes to read

    Architect Journey: Wait for Attribute

      Article Summary

      Wait for Attribute element allows you to proceed the users in the journey with an on-time option that works whenever an attribute is updated.

      How does it work?

      Wait for Attribute element functions based on real-time actions. When a user arrives at the element, they wait until their specified attribute value gets a new specified value or the old value is replaced with a new value.

      Once the specified attribute gets the new value, users proceed from the wait element to the next element.

      You can select different operators to set up Wait for Attribute element:

      • ‘changes’ operator enables users to proceed from the element when the user attribute gets a value for the first time, or the value changes.
      • ‘changes to’ operator enables users to proceed from the element when the user attribute gets a new specific value.
      • ‘changes from’ operator enables users to proceed from the element when the current specific user attribute value gets a new specific value. 
      Your title goes here
      You can set up a maximum of 3 attributes with the or operator in this element.

      You can specify the maximum duration to keep users on this element, and select one of the following actions that you want to take for these users in any case the attribute value does not change.

      • Proceed to the next step: In case a user's attribute doesn’t change in the specified duration, they will proceed to the next element.
      • Drop from the journey: In case a user's attribute doesn’t change in the specified duration, they will drop from the journey and be counted as dropped.
      Your title goes here
      This duration can be a minimum of 30 minutes and a maximum of 4 weeks.


      • Proceed to the next step: In case users' attribute doesn’t change in the specified duration, they will proceed to the next element.
      • Drop from the journey: In case users' attribute doesn’t change in the specified duration, they will drop from the journey and be counted as dropped.

      Your title goes here
      It is not allowed to add the same type of wait elements consecutively, or add the Wait Until a Time Slot and Wait for Some Time elements consecutively.

      Use Cases

      You can use Wait for Attribute element in many use cases. Some are as follows:

      • Send a coupon code or special offer when a user reaches a specific cart amount.
      • Wait for the opt-in change in order to send a message immediately.

      Opt-in Encouragement

      You are an e-commerce company that sends frequent app pushes and your main goal this year is to decrease our opt-outs.

      Select the starter as “On Attribute Change” and let users into the journey when their app push opt-in attribute changes from True to False. Send a message to your user through a reachable channel to encourage them to opt-in again. Also, add in the message that if they opt-in, they will receive fewer messages.

      Then, wait for the users to opt-in again within the given time period (you can set time period as 14 days for example). If they change their opt-in status to True within the given time, immediately send them a ‘thank you’ message and add them to a static segment for “users that want to get fewer messages”. If they don’t opt-in after the wait period is over, let them drop from the journey.

      Survey upon Application Approval

      You are a loan company and you define users entering your funnel by their loan status. 

      Users enter the journey when their loan status turn to “Applied”. After that, using Call an API, send the user data to your own servers along with user attributes.

      Then, wait for users loan status to change to “Application Approved” where this approval is done by you. As soon as the application is approved, you want to send a survey to customers so that they can review your services.

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