Variant Metrics: Variant Incremental Conversions
  • 23 Aug 2023
  • 1 Minute to read

    Variant Metrics: Variant Incremental Conversions

      Article Summary

      Incremental Conversions, as a Variant Metric, is the number of the extra conversions generated by any group of the campaign. It is calculated based on the comparison of the variant (Var) performance to the control group (CG) performance.

      Formula: Var (Conv) - (Var (Imp) x CG (CR))

      Below is a sample calculation of Incremental Conversions.

      In the example above, you can see the impressions (Imp) and conversions of the variant, and the conversion rate of the control group. When you place them in the formula, it gives out the Variant Incremental Conversions displayed in the table below.

      Incremental Conversions = Var (Conv) - (Var (Imp) x CG (CR))
      Incremental Conversions = 403 - (8,091 x 0,038)
      Incremental Conversions = 95,5

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