Architect Use Case: User Reactivation (Win-back)
  • 26 Feb 2024
  • 7 Minutes to read

    Architect Use Case: User Reactivation (Win-back)

      Article Summary

      Every marketer spends significant time and effort on building customer lists and strategizing campaigns to get as much value as possible from each customer. What happens when a customer becomes silent and does not visit your website or app for a while? They are either inactive or have “lapsed”, giving you the signs for sending them a win-back campaign. You just need to reignite the initial spark.

      A win-back, also known as a re-activation, is a personalized journey and targeted messaging sent to dormant customers. It’s an attempt to bring these users back to your website to make a purchase. Since retaining your existing customers is way easier than acquiring new ones, pursuing win-back journeys is essential for every business. In fact, retaining just 5% of your customers can increase your profits anywhere from 25% to 90%. Re-engaging your customers helps you bring them out of inactivity and get them back into your sales pipeline and marketing funnel. This pursuit contributes to your revenue generation pipeline and boosts your profits.


      While engaging with your users with some incentives and reminding them that your brand exists to win them back with the user reactivation journey, you can increase your retention rate and conversion rate. Each targeted and converted user will help you:

      • Boost conversion rate,
      • Increase retention rate,
      • Increase revenue,
      • Convert inactive customers,
      • Decrease churn rate.


      • You should have Insider Tag integrated on your website.
      • You should have Insider Object integration completed on your website.
      • If you have a mobile app, you should have SDK Integration completed.
      • Before starting to use any channel in your journeys, integrations for the respective channels should be completed. Depending on the channels you want to use in your journeys, additional integrations might be required.
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      Read more on the implementation guide.
      Your title goes here
      Make sure to have users' opt-in information on the respective channel when you are passing any user data to Insider's database if you want to send messages to your users. You can pass any opt-in information via email opt-in, SMS opt-in, GDPR opt-in, Insider Object integration or a list that you upload to Inone.

      Creating a User Reactivation Journey

      You can create a user reactivation journey to engage with users to make them come back to your website and make purchases.

      Subscription-Based Business

      Suppose that you have a subscription-based tool and you offer a free trial. James registers for the free trial and his period ends. He slips away for a while as he cannot adapt due to a lack of assistance. You target such users to offer advantages of upgrading and assistance. So that you will gain their attention and part of them will be willing to pay for upgrading the account.

      Consumer Electronics, Cosmetics, Fashion Retailer, Home & Furniture, Restaurant & Delivery

      Imagine you have a clothing line. Jennifer sticks around on your website and buys one nice shirt. And it has been 2 months, she has not even visited your website after the first visit, or bought anything. It seems like she has lapsed. You target such users to make them come back to your website and drive them to make a second purchase.

      Airlines, OTA - Hotels & Accommodation

      Andy visits your mobile app and checks 5 different destinations. Then, he exits the app and does not come back for 2 weeks. He has no activity after that. He is almost about to be churn. You target such users with the Likelihood to Churn and Visit History segment. Then, you offer discounts with the promo code if their discount affinity is high. If not, you offer some special destinations according to visit history.

      1. Select a starter

      On Past Behavior is a lookback window to take users into a journey. You can use it for negative and complex segments. As the win-back journey includes a couple of negative segments, this starter is the most suitable one.

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      If you want to use events in the segmentation, make sure that the events are activated for your account. For further information, you can contact Insider team.
      This segmentation targets users who have not visited the website or app in the last 1 month and who are likely to churn.
      Your title goes here
      You can also add a reachability filter in the On Past Behavior to not take unreachable users to the journey as you cannot communicate with them. Read more on Check Reachability.

      Your title goes here
      To not decrease your other journeys' performance, set Working Time Period as 1-day for this type of journey. You can set this duration to 1 day as win-back segments look back for a long duration and it does not change in hourly frequency. This way, you can optimize the performance of your journey.

       If you want to take users on the journey instantly when their one specific attribute value changes to a specific value, you can use the On Attribute Change starter.

      This segmentation targets users whose "loyalty" attribute gets risky value and who have not bought anything in the last 2 months. 

      2. Add flow logic

      Your title goes here
      Reactivation journeys target a big audience as many users are not active for a while. To not decrease your other journeys' performance, you can leverage the Wait element to leave some space between the communication steps.

      Reactivation journeys do not aim real-time interaction as sending a message to the dormant users 1-2 hours late does not change the conversion possibility.

      If you have users' opt-in information, and attributes that are required to be reachable on more than one channel, you can control the user reachability to device which channel to send a message to. Read more on Check Reachability.

      You can have the second interaction/messaging step for the non-engaged users who did not perform the desired action after the first message.

      Your title goes here
      The Wait element helps you have space between two messages. The first message may be immediately sent, but adding a wait element before the second message will avoid sending a few messages in a short time.

      On the Launch step, you can set Eligibility duration according to the segment look-back duration. For example, you target users who did not visit your platform in the last 30 days.

      You can set the eligibility duration to 30 days to not take the same users on the journey again in 30 days.

      Short eligibility duration for the win-back scenario can cause taking same users into the journey again after they exit the journey. In other words, it causes sending the same messages again and users can completely unsubscribe from your brand.

      Your title goes here
      Short eligibility duration for the win-back journeys might take the same users into the journey again after they exit the journey. In this case, the journey might send the same messages to the same users, which may drive them to unsubscribe from your brand.

      3. Create content

      After deciding how you want to continue with the communication for reactivation, you can add the email, SMS, WhatsApp, app push, web push, Facebook, on-site, and in-app channels, and design your content. See below for some tips to create content for reactivation journeys:

      • Offer discounts to reactivate your dormant users.
      • Share limited-time offers to create a feeling or urgency and nudge users to take actions.
      • Personalize your content to interest your users and make them feel valued.
      • Announce your recently launched updates and features to drive your users to visit your website again.
      • Ask your dormant users to leave feedback and comments about why they do not visit your website anymore.
      • Add mobile channels to your journeys to increase the chance of getting a response from your users.

      Advanced Lead Generation Journey

      You can check user behavior and interactions to improve your journeys. For example, instead of a large group of people, you can narrow down your audience with the user attributes, events, predictive segments. You can target the users who have not purchased anything in the last month and who visited a specific product category. Accordingly, you can decide what to offer this group of users. You can also check whether a user's discount affinity is high to give promo codes to these users.

      You can check if the users interact with the messages that you sent from the journey to take the next actions accordingly. For example, if the user clicks on the URL inside the email or SMS, it means that the user responds to your campaign. In this case, you can continue to interact on the same channel.

      your title goes here
      Read more about Check Interaction.

      You can use Next Best Channel to increase the possibility of engagement for each user separately.

      For the users who enter the journey, you can set special goals besides purchases (e.g. booking a test drive, booking, redeeming coupons, adding items to cart, etc.). You can have a custom event to set goals, or you can use default events as well as their event parameters.

      You can exit users from the journey right after they perform the desired action. So that they will no longer continue and receive messages from the journey. 

      Your title goes here
      Read more about the Exit Criteria.

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      Eddy, a super-smart generative AI, opening up ways to have tailored queries and responses