User Data
  • 09 Nov 2023
  • 3 Minutes to read

    User Data

      Article Summary

      Your title goes here
      Suggested reading: Get started with Unified Customer Database to get a better understanding of how Insider's unified customer database (UCD) functions.

      With UCD APIs, you can:

      This guide provides an overview of each API and what you can achieve with them.

      Upsert user data

      This API enables you to send attributes and events to Insider's unified customer database for your users. With this API, you can insert and update user data whenever you need to.

      With its enhanced capabilities, this API also replaces the process of ingesting user data, previously known as the CRM API. See the table below for what has improved.

      Ingest user dataUpsert user data
      Allows you to use only one identifier (either an email or a phone number)Supports multiple and custom identifiers
      Allows only purchase eventsSupports all events

      Using this API, you can ace your marketing strategies with many use cases as follows:

      • Sending offline purchases or any other events to the unified customer database to unify them with online data
      • Sending leads that are collected from any other platform to the unified customer database to engage your users
      • Sending users' segments that are prepared in-house to the unified customer database to personalize your experience for specific audience groups

      Get user profiles

      This API enables you to get the attributes and event details of a requested user, and filter the results. With this API, you can get the user profile details to leverage them in your offline marketing strategies or connect your existing APIs to do onsite targeting. Getting user profiles helps you:

      • Personalize the experience that you offer in your other providers
      • Connect your user profiles to your offline services (e.g. call centers, etc.)

      Export raw user data

      This API enables you to export the requested user filters, attributes, and event details as a download link. With this API, you can:

      • Feed your business intelligence tool
      • Analyze and get valuable insights
      • Synchronize your own platforms (e.g. CRM, DMP, etc.)
      • Get inputs for your daily running jobs

      Delete user attribute

      This API enables you to delete your customer attribute when you need to. You can either delete 

      • the whole attribute from the user, or 
      • delete a specific value from an array typed attribute. 

      For example, your customer might have selected GDPR’s “right-to-be-forgotten” option and you need to delete some attributes that capture such customer information.

      Delete user's PII data

      This API is used to delete users' PII data. You can either convert the user anonymous using

      • insider_id (profile id), or
      • its identifier

      For example, you can delete all PII data of registered users when they revoke their data-sharing permissions.

      Update identifiers

      This API enables you to update the value of the identifiers that are already associated with users.

      For example, you have an existing user that is already a known user to your Insider. This user may have updated their email address in your system. Accordingly, you may need to change the identifier(s) of this user. With this API, you can change the value of an existing identifier to a new value.

      Delete identifiers

      This API enables you to delete the value of the identifiers that are already associated with users.

      For example, you have an existing user that is already a known user to Insider. This user may have deleted their phone number from your system. Accordingly, you may need to delete the phone number of this user. With this API, you can delete the value of an existing identifier.


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