Types of Web Push Opt-in
  • 04 Apr 2024
  • 1 Minute to read

    Types of Web Push Opt-in

      Article Summary

      The first step to start sending push notifications is to get an opt-in from your users to confirm that they want to receive your updates. You can do it in two ways to get an opt-in from a user on your website;

      Native (HTTPS) Opt-in

      This is the browser’s own permission screen, and is required to get the user's consent to send web push notifications from a particular website and domain. Native opt-in requires the website fully supporting HTTPS .

      Web Push Opt-in

      Custom (HTTP) Opt-in

      It’s a pre-screen before displaying the actual native opt-in on a pop-up screen and can be used as an alternative if the website does not fully support HTTPS.

      Native (HTTPS) vs. Custom (HTTP) Opt-in

      Native (HTTPS) Opt-inCustom (HTTP) Opt-in
      Website must support HTTPS?
      Source of the domain for web push
      Your domainInsider's domain
      Opt-in rates
      HighLow (compared to Native)
      Can it be displayed again if user blocks it?
      Service WorkerMust be uploaded to the website

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