Testing events and attributes on Test Lab
  • 10 Oct 2023
  • 1 Minute to read

    Testing events and attributes on Test Lab

      Article Summary

      Suggested reading: Events and Attributes

      To test your events and attributes on the Test Lab, you need to have a built that has Insider SDK and the respective events and attributes.

      The video below shows how to test the events and attributes on the Test Lab. You can also follow the instructions below.

      Your title goes here
      Please be informed that the Test Lab is designed for our customers to run their tests during/after the integration. The testing of events and attributes should be conducted by the customers' technical/development teams. Insider does not run any tests on the events or attributes during any of these processes.
      Your title goes here
      The green platform icons in the test status indicate that the event or attribute is successfully integrated. However, it is recommended to test them periodically for any updates you implement in your application as they might stop functioning in the event of a change in your system. For this reason, make sure to view the green icons in the very last test.

      How to test events and attributes

      1. Navigate to Components > Integrations > App Integrations > Test Lab.
      2. Click the Test Now button to connect your test device.

      3. Select email or QR code to connect your test device to the lab.

      By Email

      1. Selecting the email option, add your email address and click Send Link.

      2. Follow the instructions as Connect Device screen suggests.

      3. Tap Connect This Device button in the email on the device that you are connecting as a test device.

      4. Tap Open App button to launch your app.

      By QR Code

      Selecting the QR code, scan the code that is displayed on the next step using the device that you are connecting as a test device. Tap the link to connect your device.

      4. Trigger the events and attributes that you want to test on the application. You can track their status in real-time on the Test Lab.

      5. Once you test them, their status will be Success if there are no issues. If there are, you can go back to your project and fix them.

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