App Templates: WhatsApp Trigger
  • 04 Apr 2024
  • 1 Minute to read

    App Templates: WhatsApp Trigger

      Article Summary


      To start using the WhatsApp Trigger template, you need integrate basic SDK version 11.6.1 or higher.

      Use Cases

      To get a better understanding of how and when to use the WhatsApp trigger, refer to Use Cases for App WhatsApp Trigger.

      WhatsApp Trigger helps you establish more direct communication with your users through WhatsApp. You can target users who want to ask questions, or contact support for any query. You can send pre-determined messages to a given phone number with WhatsApp Trigger.

      You should complete the following steps to launch a campaign with the WhatsApp Trigger template:

      1. Create a Campaign

      1. Navigate to Experience > Optimize > App Templates.

      2. Click the Create to start creating your campaign.

      3. Select the WhatsApp Trigger template.

      4. Position your template with the Placement button.
      5. Compose your message in WhatsApp Message. Add a country code and phone number for your users to send messages to.

      6. Change the style of your template to customize your properties (e.g. button, text, color, font, etc.). Enable the Close on Tap to close the template after users tap the WhatsApp button.

      2. Test Your Campaign

      Refer to Testing an app template to see how to test your campaign.

      3. Choose a Target Segment

      Refer to Choose a target segment to see the steps that you should complete to select your target audience.

      4. Edit Campaign Options

      Refer to Edit campaign options to see the steps that you should configure before launching your campaign.

      5. Review and Launch

      Refer to Review and Launch to confirm the details of your campaign.

      6. See Results

      Go to the Results page to view the analytics of your campaign.

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      Eddy, a super-smart generative AI, opening up ways to have tailored queries and responses