App Templates: Social Proof
  • 04 Apr 2024
  • 3 Minutes to read

    App Templates: Social Proof

      Article Summary


      To start using the Social Proof template, you need to complete the following requirements:

      Use Cases

      To get a better understanding of how and when to use the social proof, refer to Use Cases for App Social Proof.

      Social Proof uses scarcity marketing to boost conversion rates. It works by showing users how many people are viewing a product or page, encouraging them to complete their transactions faster.

      You should complete the following steps to launch a campaign with the Social Proof template:

      1. Create a Campaign

      1. Navigate to Experience > Optimize > App Templates.

      2. Click the Create to start creating your campaign.

      3. Select the Social Proof template.

      4. Position your template with the Placement button.

      5. You can customize the following elements in Social Proof:

      • Close button: Show or hide the close button.
      • Image: Add an image to display.
      • Message text: You can use attributes to personalize the text.
      • Animations: Add animations to your template (fade in, fade right, etc.)

      6. Configure the settings of the dynamic value element.

      • Dailyview: Displays the number of daily visits to a page. You can set a minimum display number, or populate data.
      • Dailypurchase: Displays the number of daily purchases of a product. You can set a minimum display number, or populate data.

      2. Test Your Campaign

      Refer to Testing an app template to see how to test your campaign.

      3. Choose a Target Segment

      Refer to Choose a target segment to see the steps that you should complete to select your target audience.

      4. Edit Campaign Options

      Refer to Edit campaign options to see the steps that you should configure before launching your campaign.

      5. Review and Launch

      Refer to Review and Launch to confirm the details of your campaign.

      6. See Results

      Go to the Results page to view the analytics of your campaign.


      Q: Do we need a special event for Social Proof or will any Product Visit Event be sufficient?
      A: Yes, we do need a special event for Social Proof (Android, iOS, React Native, Flutter). The main reason is that our product detail page events for Social Proof require an ID to be passed alongside. Any other event that the you already have will not pass this data. Also, our system is built on to respond to this specific event.  

      Q: Can I use Social Proof in different scenarios or apps?
      A: Yes. As long as you’re tagging the correct element/page, and passing the data to Insider accordingly, you can do that. For example, for publishers, you can display the number of people who visited a certain article that day.

      Q: Is revenue tracking required?
      A: Not if you will not use the daily purchase attribute or you do not have an e-commerce app. If it is an e-commerce, we always recommend to integrate it.

      Q: How does "populate data" work?
      A: Insider counts data when visit information is sent to our servers from the SDK. If you enable the "Populate Data" and specify the range, we create a random number for the first time our servers receive any visit/purchase information. Then, other view/purchase inserts will start incrementing. Let's say you select 20-30 for your randomization range. A user visits product A that had no visits before. As a result, our system will create a random number and insert it. For example, it is 24. The next user who will visit product A will increase the number to 25. 

      Q: What happens if no user purchased or visited a product?
      A: We will not show any Social Proof campaign. If our servers return 0 to the SDK, SDK will not display the campaign.

      Q: When is the data reset?
      A: It is reset every midnight based on your account's time zone.

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