Standard Segments: Email Engagement
  • 24 Oct 2023
  • 1 Minute to read

    Standard Segments: Email Engagement

      Article Summary

      In email marketing, engagement is a metric defined by click and open rates of your email campaigns.

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      Email Engagement is available in Architect, Email and Dynamic Segments.

      When recipients are interested in your emails and find them useful, it means they are highly engaged. Segmenting your users based on their engagement level will help you deliver more relevant content to the right population which will result in an increase in their engagement and loyalty as well as better deliverability for your email campaigns.

      Engagement segments enable you to re-engage your inactive subscribers and reward your engaged subscribers with new offerings. It will also have a significant impact on your sender's reputation.

      Email engagement offers the following segmentation options:

      Responsive UsersSubscribers who have opened or clicked an email in the past 60 days
      Engaged UsersSubscribers who have opened or clicked an email in the past 30 days
      Super-Engaged UsersSubscribers who have clicked an email in the past 30 days
      Unengaged UsersSubscribers whose last email open or last click date is more than 90 days ago
      Uninterested UsersSubscribers who have never opened or clicked any email

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