Single Email Campaigns
  • 25 Dec 2023
  • 1 Minute to read

    Single Email Campaigns

      Article Summary

      Single campaigns are the one-off emails that you can send to notify your recipients about promos, offers, and discounts. Let's say you have a new summer collection that you want to promote. Or you made a big discount on your products for the holiday season and you want to nudge your users to visit your website. For such purposes, you can create single campaigns and send them to a segmented recipient list.

      Your title goes here
      You can leverage Send Time Optimized, Experiment (A/B) and Email Throttling in your single campaigns.

      Create single campaigns

      To create single campaigns, follow these steps:

      1. Go to the email listing page to click the Create button. Enter your campaign name and choose the Single type. Click the Create button to proceed.2. Select your recipient list and decide on your target group on the recipient step. Read more on the Recipients step.
      3. Proceed to the Design step to work on your email design. Read more on Email Design & Editor.

      Your title goes here
      You can create a new variant to run your single email campaigns as A/B tests. For further, refer to Experiment (A/B) Campaigns.

      4. On the Launch step, configure your activation status. You can send your campaign now, schedule it for a future date and time, or save it as a draft.
      Instead, you can send your single campaigns with the Send Time Optimized option. Read more on Send Time Optimization.
      5. If you have created another variant, configure your A/B Test Settings.
      6. Configure Email Throttling if you want to limit the number of emails that you send to different ISPs by a domain.
      7. Configure the other Launch settings following the respective steps.

      Track the status of a single campaign

      You can track the status of your single campaign in the following states:

      • Scheduled: If your single campaign is set and scheduled for a future date, it will be listed with Scheduled status.
      • Draft: If your single campaign is not sent or scheduled yet or you have saved it as a draft , it will be listed with the Draft status.
      • Completed: If your single campaign was sent, it will be listed with the Completed status.

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