Mobile App: Short Answer Survey
  • 08 Mar 2024
  • 4 Minutes to read

    Mobile App: Short Answer Survey

      Article Summary

      Surveys are the most powerful way to collect customers' feedback. You can use Insider's Short Answer Survey to receive feedback with different survey types: Single choice, multiple choice, linear scale, dropdown, short answer, NPS, and thank you.


      • Integrate basic SDK version 11.6.1 or higher

      You should complete the following steps to launch a campaign with the Short Answer Survey template:

      1. Create a Campaign

      You can create short answer surveys following these steps:

      1. Navigate to Experience > Optimize > App Survey and click the Create New Survey.

      2. Select Short Answer Survey and click Use This Template.

      3. Click Edit Questions to start creating your questions and their conditions.

      4. You can create questions in the following types: 

      Question TypeDefinitionPreview
      WelcomeYou can display a welcoming message before asking questions in the next pages.
      Linear ScaleYou can set different scale options (ranging from 3 to 5) for your surveys. These options can be numerical or as emojis.
      NPSYour users can rate their experience 0-10
      Multiple ChoiceYou can display up to 6 different options. Your users can choose more than one answer.
      Short AnswerYou can collect feedback without showing any option. Your users can write anything on the template and submit it easily.
      Single ChoiceYou can display up to 6 different options. Your users can choose one of them.
      DropdownYou can display a dropdown for your users to choose their answers from. You can also add up to 500 options in bulk.
      Thank YouYou can display a Thank You page to end your survey. If you enable the Coupon Code, you can also give out unique coupon codes on this page.

      Select short answer question, add your question title and description.

      Depending on users' responses:

      Redirect users to a question or close the survey:

      You can select another question to send your users to depending on their response. For example, if a user gives a low rate for their experience with your brand, you can kindly ask for their reasons. If they give you a high rate, you can thank them and offer some incentives.

      You can click the View Logic button to see the connections you build between the responses and questions. In the following example, the users will be redirected to the Question 2 if they respond with 0-6. If they respond with 7-10, they will be redirected to a Thanks page.

      Select an event from your previously created events to trigger:

      Update the value of an attribute to a new one or create a new attribute with a specific value:

      5. You can create a Thank You page to end your survey. You can also add coupon codes to incentivize participation.

      Click the Coupon Settings button to select a previously created coupon list. Follow the steps on Coupon Management to add coupon codes to your campaigns.

      6. Additionally, you can customize the functions of the close button by the following actions.

      Your title goes here
      You can configure different actions for the close button. The respective action will also be applicable by default on the close function on the screen overlay tap.
      • Dismiss: Closes the template.
      • Deep Link:  Redirects users to another page. It works on both internal and external links.
      • Push Permission: Helps app owners ask for push permission (on iOS) wit Insider's App Templates. If a push permission pops up once, it will never be shown again. This is due to the limitations of the operating system, not to bother the user too much.
      • Open Settings: Takes the user to the settings of the app at the OS level. If users disabled push notifications or location services before, they can enable them from these settings.
      • Feedback: Opens the default app rating prompt on the application.

      Push permission allows the app owner to trigger a native push permission popup on iOS. You can prompt each user only once with this popup. If a user clicks it multiple times, no popup will be prompted again. You can set the re-eligibility to 1 to create a campaign a user will see only once, and redirect users to a page where you can ask them if they want to opt in for push notifications.

      Open Settings option opens the settings page of the app. Unlike push permission, this can be triggered multiple times. If a user opens their app settings via this option, they can configure their app notification details and settings, consent for cameras, microphone etc. You can ask your users for permissions via an inApp and redirect them to the settings page.

      12. The Thanks page can have a second button.

      13. You can assign the actions above to this second button as well.

      Your title goes here
      If you want to use your campaign design later for other campaigns, you can duplicate your survey campaign and make the necessary changes on the duplicated version.

      2. Test Your Campaign

      Refer to Testing an app template to see how to test your campaign.

      3. Choose a Target Segment

      Refer to Choose a target segment to see the steps that you should complete to select your target audience.

      4. Edit Campaign Options

      Refer to Edit campaign options to see the steps that you should configure before launching your campaign.

      5. Review and Launch

      Refer to Review and Launch to confirm the details of your campaign.

      6. See Results

      Go to the Results page to view the analytics of your campaign.

      Use Cases

      To get a better understanding of how and when to use short answer surveys, refer to Use Cases for Short Answer Survey.


      For further details, refer to FAQ for App Survey.

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