Sending a test email
  • 21 Aug 2023
  • 1 Minute to read

    Sending a test email

      Article Summary

      Your title goes here
      Before launching an email campaign, we strongly suggest you test your email design to see how your campaign will look like. 

      Once you complete designing your email, you can send a test email to preview your email in your inbox in two methods:

      Design Step

      You can follow these steps to send a test email to yourself to test the design of your email:
      1. Click the Test Message button in the top right.

      2. Add the email address(es) that you want to send the email to on the screen that appears on the right side of your screen.

      Your title goes here
      You can add up to 5 email addresses.

      3. Check the We have permission to use this/these email(s) box.

      Your title goes here
      You must check the permission box to inform Insider system about these users' consent.

      4. Click the Send button to send your email. 

      Your title goes here
      The daily quota is 300 test emails per day. A test email can be sent to maximum 5 email addresses at a time.

      Launch Step

      You can also send a test email while you are on the Launch step. This test email aims to test the tracking parameters inside the email along with its design.

      1. Click the Test Message on the bottom of the page.

      2. Add the email address(es) you want to send a test email to, check the permission box, and click the Send button.

      Your title goes here
      You can add up to 5 email addresses.

      Your title goes here
      You must check the permission box to inform Insider system about these users' consent.

      The test email you receive will have the tracking parameters in the email.

      Your title goes here
      The daily quota is 300 test emails per day. A test email can be sent to maximum 5 email addresses at a time.

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