Sending Mixpanel Cohorts to Insider
  • 06 Feb 2024
  • 1 Minute to read

    Sending Mixpanel Cohorts to Insider

      Article Summary

      Mixpanel integration enables you to export your Mixpanel cohorts to Insider to create custom segments that you can apply in your Insider campaigns. To do this, you should:

      Enable Insider integration

      1. To enable the integration, navigate to Data Management > Integrations.

      2. Click the Insider tab to select Connect.

      3. Go to Insider's panel Inone > Settings > Mobile App Settings > Integration to copy your Insider API Key.

      4. Enter the copied API Key in Set up Insider prompt.

      You will see a Connected tag once the connection is successful.

      Match users between Insider and Mixpanel

      Follow Mixpanel's guide to match your users between Insider and Mixpanel.

      Export a cohort

      Follow Mixpanel's guide to export a cohort to Insider.

      Select a sync type

      Follow Mixpanel's guide to select a type to export.

      Select the custom segment in Insider

      Once the export is completed, go to InOne and select a campaign you want to use the Mixpanel cohort with.

      1. For your Mobile App campaigns, create a new segment and select Mixpanel Cohorts.

      2. Select the segment that represents the set of users from your Mixpanel cohort and is synced to Insider to use it in your campaign.

      3. For the campaigns where you can use the Standard Segments, create your campaign and select Attributes > Mixpanel Cohort Segment. Then select the segment that represents the set of users from your Mixpanel cohort and is synced to Insider as the value.

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