Segmenting Shopify Tags for Channels
  • 23 Aug 2023
  • 1 Minute to read

    Segmenting Shopify Tags for Channels

      Article Summary

      Explaining the following, this guide aims to explain how you can get the most out of Shopify Tags by utilizing Insider’s InOne Platform. 

      How does Insider collect Shopify Tags?

      Shopify Tags allows you to tag your customers on your Shopify Store based on how you want to tag those users with ease. Insider Shopify app automatically syncs your users' Shopify Tags into Insider as a custom attribute named Shopify Tags, so that you can easily target your users according to their assigned tags.

      Shopify Tags synced as array of strings into Insider, so that you can easily utilize multiple tags for a user.

      How to segment Shopify Tags

      You can utilize the Attribute Box on Insider’s Segment module to segment Shopify Tags and use this segment group anywhere on Insider's InOne panel easily. For example, let’s see how you can segment users from Dynamic Segment, so you can utilize it through every channel including the Architect.

      Segmenting users with associated Shopify Tags 

      1. Navigate to Audience > Segments > Saved Segments.
      2. Click on the Create button on the listing page for a new Dynamic Segment.
      3. Under Attributes, use Shopify Tags filter to create a new segment.
      4. You can select multiple tags to include more than one Shopify Tags into your segment.
      5. Click Save. The segment including the users, who are associated with Shopify Tags, is ready to use in any channel.

      Segmenting users without associated Shopify Tags

      1. Navigate to Audience > Segments > Saved Segments.
      2. Click on the Create button on the listing page for a new Dynamic Segment.
      3. Under Attributes, use Shopify Tags filter to create a new segment.
      4. Select the operator as Does Not Match to exclude users who are not associated with the selected Shopify Tags. 
      5. You can select multiple tags to exclude more than one Shopify Tags into your segment.
      6. Click Save. The segment including the users, who are not associated with Shopify Tags, is ready to use in any channel.

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