Saved Segments
  • 26 Mar 2024
  • 5 Minutes to read

    Saved Segments

      Article Summary

      Saved Segments is a common page for all products where you can create any segment and later on use it in the Recipients steps of all products working based on Unified Customer Database depending on the reachability of the users.

      You can access Saved Segments through Audience > Segments > Saved Segments.

      The main screen of saved segments comprises two sections:

      • Dynamic Segments: You can set variable events and attributes and create a Dynamic Segment. Your segment will be automatically updated according to actual user status based on set events and attributes.
      • Static Segments: You can upload a data file to set your segment features and create a Static Segment. Your segment will not be updated unless you upload another data file.
      Your title goes here
      You can use Dynamic and Static segments in Email, Web Push, WhatsApp, SMS and Architect products.
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      Make sure the attributes that contribute to your segment are right. Please check them carefully, and create a request in Insider Help Center by mentioning it to the Insider team.

      Dynamic Segments Page

      You can find the following details of your dynamic segments on this page:

      • Select Tags: Displays the segments based on the tags.
      • Search: Describes the search criteria. You can search for a segment by email, name, uuid, or phone number.
      • Name: Specifies the name of the segment that you assign while creating segments. When you click on a segment, you can view the details of the summary and users. 
      • Filters: Specifies the applied filters to a particular segment, if any.
      • Last Updated On: Displays the last date the segment updated.
      • Tags: Displays the tags that you have assigned.
      • Remarketing: Displays the remarketing channels to which you send your dynamic segments. The icon gets blue when it is integrated.
      • Actions: Exports the details of the dynamic segment to a CSV file.
      • Menu (three vertical dots): If you click the menu against a segment, you can see the following options:
        • Pin to Top: Use it to pin the selected dynamic segment at the top. This becomes Unpin if the dynamic segment is already pinned.
        • Edit Tags: Use it to edit tags that you assigned to the segment.
        • Duplicate: Use it to clone a segment to run some experiments. You can change the name by clicking the segment name and editing the input field. 
        • Delete: Use it to permanently remove a segment.
      Your title goes here
      You cannot edit the dynamic segments after creation.

      Dynamic Segment Summary Page

      You can find the following details of your dynamic segments summary on this page:

      • Segment ID: Displays a unique ID to differentiate the segments.
      • Segment Name: Specifies the name of the segment that you assign while creating segments. 
      • Campaigns: Displays the number of campaigns the segment is used in.
      • Search: Displays the list of segments by Insider product. You can select All products, Email, Architect, SMS, WhatsApp or Web Push. You can also enter a name to display search results.
      • Product Used: Displays the Insider product that the segment belongs to.
      • Campaigns / Journey Name: Displays the campaign or journey name for a segment.
      • Target Audience: Displays the number of users that your message could reach.
      • Estimated Audience: Displays the approximate number of users based on your current segmentation settings.
      • Get Exact Audience: Displays the actual count of users based on your current segmentation settings.

      Dynamic Segment Users Page

      You can find the following details of your dynamic segments users on this page:

      • Segment Name: Displays the name of the segment that you assigned. 
      • Search: Search for a segment by entering the name, email, phone number, or uuid.
      • Segment ID: Displays a unique ID to differentiate the segments.
      • Email: Displays the email address of the user.
      • Phone Number: Displays the phone number of the user.
      • UUID: Displays the unique ID for the user.
      • Profile ID: Displays the profile ID of each user.
      • View Profile: Displays the user profile.
      Your title goes here
      The email addresses are displayed as muted values if the user has restricted access to the panel. To get access to the user details, contact your manager
      Your title goes here
      Only users who are granted with PII (personally identifiable information) permission or Manage Users role are allowed to see the user data on this page. Otherwise, the data will be partially masked.

      Static Segments Page

      You can find the following details of your static segments on this page:

      • Select Tags: Displays the segments based on the tags.
      • Search: Describes the search criteria. You can search for a segment by email, name, uuid, or phone number.
      • Segment ID: Displays a unique ID to differentiate the segments.
      • Name: Specifies the name of the segment that you assign while creating segments. When you click the Segment Name or Filters, you are redirected to the Details page.
      • Created On: Specifies the creation date of the segment.
      • Tags: Displays the tags that you have assigned.
      • Export: Exports the details of the dynamic segment to a CSV file.
      • Update Count: Updates the segment upon click. This is a manual process when you use a static segment.
      • Add Users: Adds users to the segment.
      • Menu (three vertical dots): If you click the menu against a segment, you can see the following options:
        • Pin to Top: Use it to pin the selected dynamic segment at the top. This becomes Unpin if the dynamic segment is already pinned.
        • Edit Tags: Use it to edit tags that you assigned to the segment.
        • Duplicate: Use it to clone a segment to run some experiments. You can change the name by clicking the segment name and editing the input field. 
        • Delete: Use it to permanently remove a segment.

      Static Segment Details Page

      You can find the following details of your static segments details on this page:

      • Segment Name: Displays the name of the segment that you assigned. You can also search for the segment by entering the name.
      • Segment ID: Displays a unique ID to differentiate the segments.
      • Search: Enter an email address for search.
      • Total Counts: Displays the total user count. You can also refresh the count to check.
      • Profile ID: Displays the profile ID of each user.
      • Email: Displays the email address of the user.
      • Created On: Displays the creation date of the user profile.
      • Last Updated: Displays when you last updated the user data manually. 
      • Learn More: Displays the detailed information about the user profile.
      • Delete: Deletes the user profile data.
      Your title goes here
      Learn More option has restricted access. Also, the email addresses are displayed as muted values if the user has restricted access to the panel. To get access, contact your manager.


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