Referral Exclusion for Google Analytics 4
  • 23 Aug 2023
  • 1 Minute to read

    Referral Exclusion for Google Analytics 4

      Article Summary

      Google classifies referrals as the segment of traffic that arrives on your website through another source, like through a link on a third-party domain. Analytics automatically recognizes where traffic was immediately before arriving on your site, and displays the domain names of these sites as the referral-traffic sources in your reports.

      To make sure your data includes only referrals in which you're interested, you can create a set of conditions that identify the domains whose traffic you don't want to identify as referrals.

      Insider serves on-site banners and notifications from Insider domains. Therefore, clicks to these may cause Google Analytics referral reports to count ** as a referral source and restart sessions.

      To prevent this action, you can list the "*" domain as an unwanted referral in your Google Analytics 4 account.

      Your title goes here
      To configure unwanted referrals, you need the Editor role on the respective property.

      To list "*" domain as an unwanted referral, follow these steps:

      1. Go to Admin > Property > Data Streams.

      2. Go to the Web tab to select the web data stream.

      3. In the web stream details, scroll down to click the Configure tag settings.

      4. In the Settings section, click the Show all button to see all available settings.

      5. Click List unwanted referrals.

      6. Under Ignore referrals that match ANY of the following conditions as traffic sources, choose Referral domain contains for the match type to exclude the "" subdomains as well.
      7. Under Domain, enter the identifier for the domain you want to match (e.g.

      8. If you want to add another domain, click the Add condition button.

      Your title goes here
      The conditions are evaluated using OR logic.

      9. Click the Save button in the top right corner to save your configuration.

      Refer to GA4 Identify unwanted referrals for further information on referrals.

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