Push Amplification
  • 07 Dec 2023
  • 1 Minute to read

    Push Amplification

      Article Summary

      Push Amplification is a fallback solution that improves the push notification delivery rate where OS/Device level restrictions prevent these notifications from being delivered.

      The OS on most Chinese OEMs are tuned to kill background processes that cut off the device from the push gateways such as GCM/FCM and APNs — this is usually done in an effort to reduce battery consumption.

      What this means is that you may never see a push notification delivery rate above 90%. Most benchmarks put the average delivery rate for push notifications at around 65%. With these Chinese devices accounting for 33% of the global smartphones, marketers lose a chunk of their push notifications as they remain undelivered.

      Insider’s Push Amplification assigns a unique ID for each device that is used as an alternate delivery gateway. This works with a pull-back mechanism that is based on Insider’s servers that tracks undelivered notifications and triggers them back directly to a user’s smartphone when the standard delivery fails.

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