Monthly Tracked Users (MTU)
  • 25 Jul 2023
  • 2 Minutes to read

    Monthly Tracked Users (MTU)

      Article Summary

      Monthly Tracked User (MTU) stands for the number of visitors that perform a qualifying activity on the defined calendar month. MTUs can vary from month to month or based on the number of people that perform an activity. 

      As Insider, we use MTUs for calculating the billing of our clients.

      How does Insider calculate MTUs?

      Insider SDKs assign a unique user ID for all anonymous users that interact with a customer's website or application. During each calendar month, we calculate the number of unique user IDs who performed a qualifying activity to measure the MTUs. 

      Your title goes here
      Refer to Data Points for further information about the activities that are counted to qualify a user as an MTU.

      Even if your users perform multiple qualifying activities, each unique user ID can be counted as a single MTU. 

      • Monthly tracked web users: Shows the total number of users who conducted one or more qualifying actions (e.g. interacting with a browser push notification, visiting the website, adding a product to the shopping cart, etc.) throughout our customers’ websites within the selected calendar month
      • Monthly tracked app users: Shows the total number of users who conducted one or more qualifying actions (e.g. interacting with an app push notification, visiting the application, browsing a product through the application, etc.) throughout our customers’ mobile applications within the selected calendar month
      • Monthly tracked 1st party users: Shows the total number of users whose data points are updated (e.g. updating the events or attributes of a user via any kind of data import method such as upserting user data, ingesting user data, uploading segments, etc.) via data sent to Insider by our wide range of integrations within the selected calendar month

      Why do we have different MTUs?

      To measure and bill our clients fairly, we divide our MTU range into three different categories: App, web and 1st party MTUs.

      Based on this categorization, your 1st party users that  you share with Insider throughout integrations do not consume your MTU limits for the products you are using. Instead, it is calculated separately with a much more favorable cost. Similarly, the users who perform qualifying activities on your website are not counted as app MTUs unless they also perform a qualifying activity on your application, or vice versa. With this method, we ensure that our customers are not highly affected by sudden increases coming from a single source on their cumulative pricing. 

      User deduplication across sources and devices

      If you are using Insider Object integration on your website, and/or sharing unique identifiers from your mobile application via Insider SDK, you can benefit from our advanced identity management system which identifies interactions coming from the same user across multiple different devices or platforms, and deduplicates those users to a single user profile after they login from those devices only once.

      How can you track MTUs?

      To track your MTUs and other usages, to to your Insider panel and navigate to Reports > Usage Analytics on the left sidebar.

      You can view your monthly tracked web/app/1st party users, data points, and email, WhatsApp and SMS volume on this page. The dashboard is updated every day and it also provides historical data for the previous months.

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