FAQ for Mobile App Integration
  • 27 Apr 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read

    FAQ for Mobile App Integration

      Article Summary

      Which features can be tested by the partner developer?

      With the help of Integration Wizard, you can test each push function, InApp function, revenue tracking, geofence, social proof and cart reminder on your end. 

      How can I receive the API key and implement it on the panel?

      Please see here  for details.

      Please refer to Callbacks for details.

      I have completed the Integration Wizard and its steps. I can connect devices, test basic push notifications and receive push notifications, but I can't receive images in the push notifications. Why not?

      It depends on the configuration:

      • Android: If the application uses another provider, another integration may block it. Please see here  for further details.
      • iOS: Please see here  for further details on Capabilities and URL Types.

      I have completed the Integration Wizard and its steps. I can connect devices, but cannot receive push notifications. Why not? 

      Successful connection of test devices means successful SDK integration. However, there may be several reasons for not receiving push notifications:

      1. You may not have allowed the push notifications.
      2. The iOS certificate or Android Push API Key may not have been uploaded to the panel.
      3. If it is on iOS, the panel environment need to checked through Application Settings > Push Notification > Push Notification Server State . The environment of the device and that of the panel need matching.
      4.  For Android devices, Firebase Cloud Messaging integration may not have been completed.

      I have completed the Integration Wizard and its steps, but I can't connect my device. Why not? 

      • For iOS: Navigate to Project Settings > Select Your Main Target > Info > URL Types . Click + button and add a URL type which is an identifier for Insider. 
      • For Android: Go to Android platform and navigate to Android Integration > Required Dependencies and Permissions.

      What does a red platform sign on the test lab indicate?

      The red sign for the event parameter on the test lab indicates that the data type of the parameter is wrong. For example, the respective event parameter may be defined as an integer while it requires a string value. Make sure to configure the data type correctly.

      How does Add Uncreated Metrics prompt work?

      If you see the Add Uncreated Metrics prompt, it means that some events you send to Insider may not have been created on the Test Lab. When you trigger and test these events, you will see this prompt. In this case, click the Add button to add the respective event and list it on the Test Lab. 

      If the Add button is not available, it means that you have reached the maximum number of events.

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