Journey Live Statistics
  • 25 Dec 2023
  • 3 Minutes to read

    Journey Live Statistics

      Article Summary

      You can see live statistics on the canvas of a journey when you launch it.

      Landing on the canvas, you can see the following general metrics of the journey on the left side of your screen.

      • Entered: The number of users who became eligible and started the journey.
      • In Progress: The number of users who are still in the journey.
      • Dropped: The number of users who got dismissed from the journey due to channel reachability.
      • Drop rate: The total number of dropped divided by the total number of entered.
      • Completed: The number of users who finished the journeys by reaching the last element or an empty path, excluding the not-reachable paths.
      • Complete rate: The total number of completed divided by the total number of entered.
      • Exited: The number of users who got dismissed from the journey by matching the exit criteria.

      Click the Hide button to minimize the Live Statistics box to extend your canvas area.

      To see the overall journey analytics, click the Go to Journey Analytics button.

      To see drop rate, exited, frequency capped, clicks, conversions, and revenue metrics on the channel elements, click the Show Channel Stats button. From the dropdown, you can select which default or custom goal you want to see the conversions and revenue for. 

      Your title goes here
      Revenue for custom goals cannot be calculated even if you are sending a price-related event parameter. Therefore, the revenue for custom goals will always be shown as zero.

      To close the channel performance metrics, click the Hide Channel Stats button.

      Your title goes here
      You can see the Exited metric if you set Exit Criteria in your journey, and the Frequency Capped metric if you have capped users on the channel.

      Also, you can see other statistics on each element.

      Wait element

      The live statistics of the Wait element displays how many users are waiting at this element at that moment.

      Check element

      The live statistics of the Check element displays how many users have reached this element, and the breakdown for matching and not matching paths.

      Channel element

      It displays metrics related to the user’s flow in the journey.

      • Arrived displays the number of users who have reached this element.
      • Reachable displays the number of users who are reachable from the channel. 
      • Dropped displays the number of users who are not reachable from the channels, and therefore dropped from the journey.
      • On Hold is only visible if you have Send Time Optimization enabled. Users who are kept waiting until the optimal time comes are displayed as On Hold.
      • Skipped is only visible if you have coupons added to the message content and your preferred action when the coupon list is exhausted is chosen as “skip the element”. It displays the number of users who skip the element because the coupons in the coupon list are completely used up.
      • Skipped (Duplicated) is only visible when you take measures to prevent a user from receiving the same push notification twice. It indicates the count of users who would have received the same push twice if you hadn't implemented this prevention. Occasionally, when two different users are logged into the same device and proceed to the same push in a journey at similar times, one user might receive the push twice. To address this, the second push is prevented by checking if the same device received the identical push within the last 30 minutes before sending it.

      Additionally, on-site, in-app and WhatsApp channels have three more metrics:

      • Wait for Action: Displays the number of users who are on hold to see campaign in the specified duration.
      • Proceeded (Time out): Displays the number of users who are proceeded to the next step without seeing the campaign within the specified duration.
      • Dropped (Time out): Displays the number of users who are dropped from the journey without seeing campaign within the specified duration.

      Proceeded (Time out) and Dropped (Time out) cannot be shown at the same time. It shows the metric you select inside the channel element.

      Action Element

      It displays how many users have reached this element. You can also see how many users are processed to pass this step.

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