Journey Entry Capping
  • 12 Jul 2023
  • 2 Minutes to read

    Journey Entry Capping

      Article Summary

      When you have more than one journeys, you may not want your users to enter these journeys even if they meet the starter conditions. Journey frequency capping helps you limit the entrances to all of your journeys.

      Users may enter the welcome journey, browse abandonment journey, cart abandonment journey, post-purchase journey or cross-selling journey. Entry capping is useful to not bother users for taking them into the journeys and sending them many messages.

      Journey Frequency Capping considers when a user exits a journey by completing it or dropping. Each exit activity of a user is counted as 1 ticket. Let's say you set the frequency capping as "once a day". When a user exits your journey, they cannot enter the same journey the same day even if they meet the starter condition.

      You can reach Journey Frequency Capping through Architect Settings. You can specify the maximum number of entrances and the duration. Also, you can override that frequency capping on the launch settings of your specific journey, and you can define another frequency capping on that journey.

      Journey Entry Capping vs. User Eligibility

      User Eligibility enables you to choose if a user can start and finish the journey for a single time as Only One Time or more than once whenever they become eligible as Multiple Times.

      Journey Entry Capping considers the case when the user exited the journey by completing the journey or dropping from the journey. Each exit activity of the user is counted as 1 ticket. When the user exits the journey and if there is an entry capping on all journeys such as “the user can enter the journeys 1 time in 1 day”, the user will not enter the journey once they fulfill the starter condition of any journey again in 1 day.

      While eligibility controls the duration, journey entry capping considers the entrances in a specified duration. Eligibility does not take users in the journey again during the specified period, while journey entry capping does not take users in the journey more than a specific number of times in the given duration.

      Let's take a look at this example. 

      You have a cart abandonment journey. The eligibility duration is 5 days. Journey Entry Capping is 3 times in 3 days. 

      The user enters and exits the journey today. They fulfill the same journey's starter conditions again 2 days after exiting the journey. Even if the entry capping allows that user to enter the journey, the eligibility will not allow them to enter since it is set for 5 days and it has been only 2 days after the user exited the journey.

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