Notification Center​
  • 06 Feb 2024
  • 1 Minute to read

    Notification Center​

      Article Summary

      Due to their changing behaviors, users are now more in favor of notifications and they interact more compared to the traditional ways of promotions such as email, sms, etc. Therefore, many companies have started using dedicated areas on their websites and Mobile Apps to raise attention, which caused those areas to get crowded. Since many of users dismiss Notifications for that reason, to make their promotions more appealing, marketers started to combine On-Page Notification Centers with the Web Pushes they sent. We, as Insider, combine both platforms to full extent. That's why we are introducing Notification Center. 

      Notification Center is a product within our messaging suite that can help marketers show all the promotions and offers in a specific location on the page. It provides you a new channel which is non-intrusive and engaging. It works very similar to single push notification. When you enable the notification center, you can:

      • Show up to 20 notifications for the given time period. They can also be scheduled for a suitable time in the future. 
      • Get the single web push content when desired. 
      • Show different notifications in different languages.
      • Track each notification clicks separately for detailed reporting. 

      Get started with Designing Notification Center.


      Eddy, a super-smart generative AI, opening up ways to have tailored queries and responses