Sending Segment Events to Insider
  • 01 Nov 2023
  • 6 Minutes to read

    Sending Segment Events to Insider

      Article Summary

      You can establish Insider as a destination in Segment’s ecosystem, and send data from your website and apps to Insider. With this integration, you can enable Insider to collect Segment’s Page, Identify, and Track specs.

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      Your title goes here
      According to Segment, a spec provides guidance on meaningful data to capture, and the best format for it, across all of Segment’s libraries and APIs. Read more on Segment Spec.
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      The Page, Identify, and Track specs answer the following questions respectively: What web page are they on?, Who is the customer?, What are they doing? While the Identify spec collects user attributes and identifies users, the Page and Track specs collect user events.

      This integration guide provides a complete frame of:

      Use Cases

      Sending your website and app data from Segment to Insider helps you leverage a range of use cases as follows:

      • Triggering journeys
      • Personalizing user experience

      Triggering Journeys

      You can track user behavior (e.g. cart abandonment, purchase, etc.) to trigger journeys with Insider’s Architect product, and target users across channels (e.g. website, web push, email, etc.).

      Personalizing User Experience

      You can leverage the comprehensive user information (e.g. name, age, viewed products, items added to cart, interest categories, etc.) that is passed from Segment, and deliver personalized user experiences and messaging.

      Configuring Insider As a Destination

      Follow these steps to configure Insider as a destination in your Segment account.
      1. Log into your Segment account to find Insider Cloud (Actions) in the destination catalog.

      2. Click Insider Cloud (Actions) > Configure Insider to select the source. Your source can be any source that you would like to connect Insider to.

      3. Configure your Insider account settings for the integration.

      4. Enter your Insider API key and partner name.

      Your title goes here
      Follow API Authentication Tokens to create an API key for UCD. Your partner name is your panel name on Insider.

      5. Use the toggle to enable the Insider integration.

      Create or update a User Profile

      Understanding the Identify Spec

      Segment calls the Identify spec to collect user attributes. This spec connects users to their actions, and records this information along with a unique user ID and any other optional user data (e.g. name, email, etc.). Insider uses this spec to identify users, and registers their attributes.


      Insider uses the following Segment attributes and maps them in the database as displayed in the following table:

      Segment attributeMapping on InsiderAdditional Information
      emailemail(Optional) Utilizing “Treat Email as Identifier” field, can be selected as identifier.
      phonephone number(Optional) Utilizing “Treat Phone Number as Identifier” field, can be selected as identifier.

      If you want to send email or SMS campaigns to your users, you must pass the respective opt-in information of the user to Insider as email opt-in and sms opt-in along with GDPR opt-in, email and phone number (in E.164 format). You can pass the email opt-in, SMS opt-in, WhatsApp opt-in and GDPR opt-in information as Boolean.

      Insider also maps the mutual predefined attributes from Segment in the following mappings (can be changed while configuration):

      Attribute on SegmentMapping on Insider
      Any other attribute is registered as a custom attribute, and is not mapped as a predefined (default) attribute on Insider. You need to map custom attributes under other properties so that custom user attributes that you have no Segment platform can be synced to Insider platform. 
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      Event Actions for Insider Cloud Destination

      To easily map any events on your Segment platform to Insider, click new mapping and use actions modal to create an event mapping for the following events in the table.

      Event NameDescription
      Product List ViewedRecord Product List View Event to Insider
      User RegisteredRecord User Registered Event to Insider
      Cart ViewedRecord Cart Viewed Event to Insider
      Product RemovedRecord Product Removed Event to Insider
      CheckoutRecord Checkout Events to Insider
      Product ViewedRecord Product View Event to Insider
      Product AddedRecord Product Added Event to Insider
      Order CompletedRecord Order Completed Event to Insider
      Track EventRecord custom event to Insider


      Insider uses the following Segment attributes and maps them in the database as displayed in the following table:

      Segment attributeMapping on InsiderAdditional Information
      emailemail(Optional) Utilizing “Treat Email as Identifier” field, can be selected as identifier.
      phonephone number(Optional) Utilizing “Treat Phone Number as Identifier” field, can be selected as identifier.

      Understanding the Track Spec

      Segment calls the Track spec to record user actions along with their details. Insider receives the Track spec from Segment, and registers the events based on this spec’s data. 

      The name and other parameters attributes become event name and event parameters of this event respectively. 

      You can easily insert any custom event kept on your Segment Account but selecting Track Event and completing the mapping flow. After you launch the actions, data will start to flow to Insider.

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      Segment uses the Ecommerce events spec to provide a common ground for the mutual events.
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      Understanding the Ecommerce Spec

      Insider uses the Ecommerce spec to map the following events:

      Event on SegmentMapping on Insider
      Product ViewedProduct Detail Page View
      Product List ViewedListing Page View
      Product AddedAdd to Cart
      Cart ReviewedCart Page View
      Order CompletedPurchase (Confirmation Page View)
      Checkout Started or Checkout Step ViewedCheckout Page Viewed

      Product Viewed/Product Detail Page View

      Insider receives the track event named Product Viewed in the Ecommerce spec, and registers it as Product Detail Page View.
      Insider also maps the mutual properties as the following event parameters:

      Property on SegmentMapping on Insider
      product_idproduct ID
      namename (Product Name)
      priceunit price, unit sale price
      image_urlproduct image url

      You can find the all available default fields within the actions framework, any other property within this event is registered as a custom event parameter on Insider which you can configure under the event parameters mapping section.

      Product List Viewed/Listing Page View

      Insider receives the track event named Product List Viewed in the Ecommerce spec, and registers this event as Listing Page View.

      Insider also registers category as taxonomy within the event parameters.

      You can find the all available default fields within the actions framework, any other property within this event is registered as a custom event parameter on Insider which you can configure under the event parameters mapping section.

      Cart Viewed/Cart Page View

      Insider receives the track event named Cart Viewed in the Ecommerce spec, divides the products into events, and registers each product within the spec as a separate event by the Cart Page View event name. Within these events, Insider also maps the properties into the event parameters as follows:

      Parameter on SegmentMapping on Insider
      product_idproduct ID
      product.namename (Product Name)
      product.priceunit price, unit sale price
      product.image_urlproduct image url
      cart_idevent group ID

      You can find the all available default fields within the actions framework, any other property within this event is registered as a custom event parameter on Insider which you can configure under the event parameters mapping section.

      Order Completed/Purchase

      Insider receives the track event named Order Completed in the Ecommerce spec, divides the products into events, and registers each product within the spec as a separate event by the Purchase (confirmation page view) event name. This tracks event parameters such as tax, affiliation, revenue, shipping, discount, coupon, currency, and checktout_id. Within these events, Insider also maps the properties into the event parameters as follows:

      Parameter on SegmentMapping on Insider
      product_idproduct ID
      product.namename (Product Name)
      product.priceunit price, unit sale price
      product.image_urlproduct image url
      order_idevent group ID

      You can find the all available default fields within the actions framework, any other property within this event is registered as a custom event parameter on Insider which you can configure under the event parameters mapping section.

      Your title goes here

      That's it! You can now send data from Segment to Insider and start automating journeys and personalizations.

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