Identity Resolution Management Settings
  • 21 Mar 2024
  • 3 Minutes to read

    Identity Resolution Management Settings

      Article Summary

      Insider helps you to configure the Identity Resolution Management settings in the onboarding process. 

      Your title goes here
      After the onboarding process, when you need to change configured settings, corresponding assistance will be provided by Insider.

      Insider supports multiple identifiers for you to use. These identifiers can be Email, Phone number, or UUID as default ones and/or any custom identifiers that you wish to use.

      The Identity Resolution Management page displays the corresponding settings that shape your identification and unification flow so that you can configure and prioritize the identifiers for your users.

      To start with, navigate to Components > Identity Resolution Management.


      Under Identifiers, the identifiers that are going to be used are selected. The identifiers added here are the ones that can be considered in the identification requests. If an identifier is not added to this list but tried to use in requests, it will be ignored. For example, you set UUID as the only identifier on Identity Resolution page, and upload email addresses. Then, UUID acts as an identifier while email address remains as an attribute.

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      The attributes selected on Identity Resolution page are used as identifiers, otherwise they remain as attributes and do not act as identifiers. 

      Value Limit

      Limit represents the number of values that can be assigned to a user profile per identifier type. Since it is valid for each identifier type, for example, while you can set a limit for the number of email identifier as 2, you can make it 1 for phone number identifier. In this case, the user can be associated with 2 email addresses and 1 phone number maximum.

      Although the limit can be more than 1 in several businesses, we recommend you to set the limit as 1 for most cases. If you update the identifiers of the profiles after profile creation, Insider’s update user identifiers API and delete user identifiers API can be utilized to handle these changes.


      Thanks to priority, you can define which identifier has more importance. When the incoming identification request’s end result violates the value limit rules, priority settings will take place and the incoming request will be treated with respect to the settings. 

      For example, the following limit & priority settings are configured;

      Assume that Insider has the following profile in the database already

      • Profile with Insider ID 1
        • Email:
        • UUID: xyz123

      Then, Insider receives an identification request as follows;

      • Email:
      • UUID: abc456

      Because of the same email address, if these incoming identifiers are attached to Profile ID 1, the profile as a result will contain two uuid values and one email.

      • As seen on the image, since the limit set for UUID is 1, this overrides the configured limit rule. In this case, Insider checks the priority of the incoming identifiers.
      • Since uuid has a higher priority than email, Insider ignores email as an identifier on the identification request and searches for uuid in UCD. Since there are no existing profiles with this identifier, Insider creates a new user with UUID: abc456.

      Assume that the given limits are the same but priorities are vice versa as following;

      In this case, Insider ignores UUID from the incoming payload and searches existing users for the email identifier only.

      • As a result of this, Insider finds Profile ID 1 and recognizes the incoming request for the existing user.

      Blocked Values

      To eliminate the unwanted merging scenarios that can be caused by erroneous integrations, default value usages, or faulty deployments, we highly recommend you to use blocked values. 

      Since identifier values are unique, when you try to use the same value for all users, such as as email address value, then it will result in faulty merging and all your users will be considered as one. To avoid this, add blocked values so that the requests including this value will be rejected.

      We highly recommend you to check the hard-coded values added by your technical team and add these to blocked values accordingly to prevent any unwanted merging cases.

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      You can always add/remove blocked values at any time you wish. Contact Insider team.


      Pause function makes the usage of an identifier for a period of time stop, so Insider ignores the paused identifier in identification requests. In the case of noticing a malfunction in an identifier, (such as sending different typed values) or you don’t want to process that identifier any more, pausing the identifier will prevent further unwanted cases from happening. After fixing the issue, you might unpause the identifier to be used in the identification requests.


      • You can add maximum 10 unique identifiers to the list.
      • Limit per identifier can be maximum 100.

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