Duplicate a Web Template Campaign
  • 26 Mar 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read

    Duplicate a Web Template Campaign

      Article Summary

      Insider's InOne panel lets us run A/B testing variation (created for the experience) vs control group (created without experience) for the experiences created for your site. This testing allows us to know whether Insider is bringing conversions and revenue with its personalization or not.

      It is recommended to do A/B testing equally with 50% of your website traffic, which will see the experience whereas the other half will fall in the control group. After a few weeks, a team may check the results of the experience and check if the significance rate in our variation allows us to change the traffic allocation differently such as allowing 95% to variation while 5% to the control group.  

      To do this activity, Insider brings in the concept of duplicating the experience to optimize it without breaking any results. Duplicating a campaign provides you with creating a new experience that was already doing good and you see fresh results. 

      Duplicating campaigns on Web Templates

      To duplicate a campaign, navigate to Experience > Optimize > Web Templates, click the menu (three dots next to the experience), and select Duplicate. 

      You can duplicate your campaign among Mobile, Tablet and Desktop. Selecting this option duplicates the entire experience including the segments, rules, design, and goals.

      Once you select the device type, you will receive a confirmation message.

      When you click Duplicate, you will receive a message about the result. Once duplicated, you can update the traffic allocation in the Design step and launch it.

      Duplicating custom rules

      To duplicate a campaign that has one or more custom rules, you need to follow these steps:

      1. Click Duplicate from the three dots next to the experience you want to duplicate. 
      2. Once duplicated, go to the Rules section, select the custom rule, and click Go to Custom Rule.
      3. You will see the custom rule content. Copy the content and create a new rule by navigating to Components > Rules > Custom Rules.
      4. After copying the content, change the Builder ID and/or Variation ID displayed on the first two lines of code. They are mobile ID and desktop ID respectively.

      To find builder ID:

      Go to your copied experience and look for the number (ID) in the URL or you can see it written next to the name of your custom rule. 

      To find variation ID:

      Go to the Design step of your copied experience. You can find the Variant ID explicitly on the page. 

      Once you replace the IDs, click Save. 

      your title goes here
      To insert a new custom rule, navigate to your experience, go to the Rules step, delete the existing custom rule, and insert the new one you've created. 

      Duplicating campaigns to other domains

      It is possible that at times you have multiple domains to use Predictive Algorithms or Smart Recommender for each domain. This means creating simple campaigns like Top Bar, Hello Bar for each domain is repetitive and time-consuming. Therefore, you can use Duplicate to Other Domains option for your campaign listing pages. 

      Your title goes here
      If you cannot see all of the domains in the domains list while duplicating campaigns, contact Insider team.

      You can duplicate the campaign to your other domains by following these steps:

      1. Navigate to Experience > Optimize > Web Templates. Click the 3-dot menu and you should see Duplicate to Other Domains option.

      2. Select the domains you want to duplicate the campaign to and click Duplicate.

      After this, you will have successfully duplicated your campaign to the other domains. Now go check the same product listing on other domains and edit your campaign for that domain. Your campaign will be listed as passive with the “Copy” Suffix.

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