How does Insider Work?
  • 23 Aug 2023
  • 2 Minutes to read

    How does Insider Work?

      Article Summary

      Insider simplifies your lives by helping you connect your data, understand how your users think, and predict what they’ll do next with the help of AI. You can create captivating experiences that build brand love—at scale. Then, how does Insider do it, how does it work to help you engage with your audience and, therefore, raise your ROI?

      How does Insider Work: The logic behind

      Below are the steps in a row showing how Insider works;

      1. The user accesses the browser and types the URL of the website.
      2. The browser sends a request to the server where the website is hosted.
      3. The server sends the HTML document back to the browser.
      4. The browser starts reading the HTML document and shows it to the user. 
      5. While the browser reads and shows HTML to the user, if there is Insider code integrated, the browser sends another request to Insider’s server.
      6. The request is checked on Insider's servers and the content is returned to the user, with the information of the personalizations set for that website.
      7. The browser starts rendering the changes that were retrieved from Insider's server to the user while the page is loading.


      Insider Tag Integration

      You need to implement the Insider integration code, which is quite easy to do with different methods. You can do it in the source code of your website, via tag managers such as GTM or Tealium or via plugins such as Shopify. Then, you can start to use the services of Insider.

      Insider API Code structure

      The following JavaScript code is an Insider integration snippet, which is designed for both HTTP and HTTPS pages on your website.

      <script async src="//{partnerName}{partnerId}"></script>
      • Loading option: It means whether Insider’s code is loaded synchronously or asynchronously. We recommend you load our code as an asynchronous tag.
      • Partner name: It is your partner name written on the InOne panel.
      • Partner ID: It is your partner ID.

      Integration Loading Option: Sync vs. Async 

      You can load Insider code with an asynchronous tag or synchronous tag. 

      Asynchronous code runs in parallel. If your loading option is asynchronous, the browser will send the request to the server but it will not wait for the response. While it sends the request, it continues showing the content to the user. 

      • It is the default option.
      • Insider code loading is independent from the website, so it cannot affect the loading speed.
      • The website doesn't wait for the code to load.
      • Users can use the website regardless of Insider’s code.

      Synchronous code runs in sequence. If the loading option is synchronous, the browser will actually wait for a response from the server before it continues loading the website. Otherwise, if there is no response from the server, it will stop reading and wait for the response and continue loading the website accordingly. 

      • It makes the website wait for the code to load.
      • In case of a failure or outage, the users can't use the website.
      Your title goes here
      You can refer here for further information on Integration.

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