Google Analytics Settings
  • 01 Nov 2023
  • 1 Minute to read

    Google Analytics Settings

      Article Summary

      Google Analytics Settings allows managing the Google Analytics integrated into your site for capturing insights.Navigate to this page by clicking your username > Settings > InOne Settings > Google Analytics

      Google Tag Manager Integration

      If you have completed Google Analytics Events with Google Tag Manager Integration, you need to add the macro names as they are defined in your Google Tag Manager event tracker so the values match:

      1. Enter "INSIDER" for Event Name.
      2. Enter "eventcategory" for Event Category.
      3. Enter "eventactionfor Event Action.
      4. Enter "eventlabel" for Event Label. (Optional)
      5. Enter "eventvalue" for Event Value. (Optional)

      Google Analytics Non-Interaction

      Interaction is an important user action that has a direct effect on bounce rate.

      Google Analytics Non-Interaction option enables you to decide how you want bounce rate to be defined or to affect your website. Using this option, you can send non-interactive sessions in Google Analytics to Insider. Take, for example, a homepage with an embedded video as the first page of the sales flow on your website. You might want to count this non-interactive page in your sales data as it might have an effect on it.

      This option is enabled by default as we recommend that you send non-interactive sessions to evaluate all user interactions.

      Purchase Confirmation Event

      You can use this event to see if your purchase events are sent to Google Analytics.

       All you need to do is to enable this option and make a test purchase. Read more about Insider Tag Integration.

      Define Tracker Name

      You can define your custom tracker names using this option if you want to send your events to a specific tracker.

       Once you enable the tracker, you can simply enter your tracker name as the example above and save this step.

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