Goal Types
  • 08 May 2024
  • 3 Minutes to read

    Goal Types

      Article Summary

      Besides the default purchases and clicks goals, you can create your goals for different metrics you want to track.
      Seven different goal types are available to create a goal:


      You can add any page URL that you want to track the views on and match type as contains, simple or exact (e.g. Pageviews - Deals Pageviews - mywebsite.com/deals - Exact).

      • Contains: Targets the parameter you add in.
      • Simple: Targets the beginning of the URL you add in.
      • Exact: Targets the exact URL you add in.
      Your title goes here
      The pageview goal is triggered every time a page is refreshed.


      You can select any element that you want to track the clicks of. 

      1. Name your click goal.
      2. Click Assign to visit the page where the element you want to track exists.
      3. Click on the element to select Track clicks


      You can select any previously created rule or create a new rule for your goal if you want to keep track of any custom condition. Once you select the rule, then you need to select the match type as true or false (e.g. Rules - My rule goal - {ruleName} - true).

      Product Success

      You can keep track of the performance of a specific product (e.g. Product Success - Product goal - SKU1234 - true).

      If you have a product-specific campaign, and you want to know how many products have been purchased thanks to that campaign, then you can measure product success when the user adds this product to their cart and finalizes the purchase. 

      This goal requires a product ID which is set in the system rules. You can see this id by running the code below on the console when you click right and inspect the product page. 


      Product Category Success

      You can keep track of the performance of a specific product category (e.g. Product Category Success - Product category goal - Dresses - true).

      This goal requires the product category which is set in the system rules. You can see this category by running the code below on the console when you click right and inspect the product page. 



      Bounce rate is the percentage of all sessions on your website where users viewed only a single page and triggered only a single request to it. It is calculated by dividing the number of single-page sessions by the number of total sessions on your website.

      The user must be on the landing page of the campaign page and have seen the campaign. If the user leaves the site without scrolling, clicking, or visiting the page, it is calculated as a bounce. If they scroll, click, or visit the page, then it is not counted as a bounce.

      Your title goes here
      The start of the next session determines in which session the data will be.
      • Eligible visitors:
        • the landing page must be on the campaign page.
        • having seen the campaign (getting the impression).
      • Non-eligible visitors:
        • if the landing page is different from the campaign page.
        • not having seen the campaign (shouldn't get the impression)

      When you select Bounce as your conversion criteria, it shows your conversion (bounce) and conversion rate (bounce rate) in the analytics of your campaign.

      Add to Cart

      The add-to-cart is a feature of e-commerce stores that allows customers to choose items to purchase without actually completing the payment. 

      It is calculated by a user based on the website. When the user clicks to add to cart button on your website, add to cart goals are triggered. If the user clicks another product's add to cart button, or increases product count, the add to cart goal will increase. In other words, each time the user adds a product to their cart, it increases goal metrics. On the contrary, if the user deletes, or decreases the product count, the add to cart goal will decrease. Each deleting a product in the cart or decreasing count will be calculated, and it decrease your add-to-cart goal. 

      This goal requires an add to cart trigger which is set in the system rules. You can see this category by running the code below on the console when you click right and inspect the cart page. 


      When you select Add to Cart as your conversion criteria, it shows your conversion (add to cart) and conversion rate (add to cart rate) in the analytics of your campaign.

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