FAQ about Web Push Campaigns
  • 21 Mar 2024
  • 1 Minute to read

    FAQ about Web Push Campaigns

      Article Summary

      Why is the actual delivered push title/description missing characters?

      The length of the notification title/description depends on factors such as operating system, screen size, width and input language. Therefore, it may vary from device to device. If the limit is exceeded for a device, the title/description may appear trimmed when delivered. It is a best practice paying attention to the copywriting and keeping the content brief. Note that using CAPITAL letters also increases the character size and thus affects the character limits negatively. Always test your notifications on the Launch step before sending.

      Can we put logo on the CTA buttons?

      No, CTA buttons only support emoji characters.

      Can we limit the number of notifications sent to a user?

      Channel Frequency Capping sets the limit for the daily number of notifications for all Web Push campaigns.

      Frequency Capping is also available in the Rules step for Trigger, Cart Reminder and In Stock Alert push campaigns and it sets the limit for the daily number of notifications a user can receive from that specific campaign.

      Why do we see a high traffic on the website after a single push notification is sent?

      Sending a web push notification has nothing to do with the website actually. The traffic is due to the clicks on these notifications and landings on the website. Some websites cannot handle this high traffic. For such cases, we have a throttling feature, where where we add a delay of 10 sec. between 10,000 users, if enabled. Reach out to Insider team to enable it if necessary.

      Why did the user receive the notification after Time to Live (TTL) expired?

      The Push Service (GCM) is responsible to comply with the TTL value. Even if the push service sends the notification at the right time or removes it, the browser decides when to wake the service worker and when to terminate it. It is possible that the browser or operating system keeps the service worker idle for battery or performance saving purposes. So a notification might have arrived to the browser from the push service at the right time before the TTL is expired but it might not have displayed by the browser yet. That is also why sometimes the user receives notifications at once when the browser wakes up the service worker.

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