FAQ about Test Devices
  • 15 Feb 2021
  • 3 Minutes to read

    FAQ about Test Devices

      Article Summary

      Where can I add test devices on the panel?

      You can add them through Integration > Test Devices > New Test Device on your panel.

      How can I add a test device on the panel?

      Add by Identifier

      The identifier is usually a UDID. Once you get your device UDID, you can add it to test devices.

      1. Go to Integration > Test Devices and click on Add Test Device in the top right corner.
      2. After adding the value of your UDID, hit Create Test Device.

      If you have users in our database, you can also choose a different identifiers (email, name, last name etc.) to add users and their devices to the test devices.

      Send an email with a dynamic link

      1. Enter your email address and hit Send Mail.
      2. You will receive an email from mobile-info@useinsider.com.
      3. Open it on your mobile device and follow the respective steps in order to add your device as a test device.

      Add by QR Code

      1. Go to Integration > Test Devices and click on Add Test Device in the top right corner.
      2. Find the QR Code and scan it via your phone.
      3. If you are using an iOS device, you can use your cam by default. If Android, you need to download a QR Code Scanner app.

      Where can I see the test devices that were added on the panel?

      You can view them through Integration > Test Devices on your panel.

      How can I send test push notifications only to some specific devices?

      Go to the Test Devices section and switch on the toggles for the devices you'd like to send test push notifications to.

      What does "Bad Device Token Error" mean?

      It means the application and the app environment do not match: One is a development environment and the other a production, so push notifications are sent from two different environments. The push notifications sent from the development environment are delivered to the development version of the application and those sent from the production environment are sent to the production version of the application. You can change the Push Notification Server State through Components > Application Settings > Push Notifications in order not to get this error.

      What does "Mismatch Sender ID Error" mean?

      In order to send push notifications to Android devices, the sender ID and the Firebase API key values should match. In any case where these two values do not match, no push notification can be sent to Android users.

      What does "Unregistered Error" mean?

      It means the user has uninstalled the app and is no longer reachable on iOS. In order to send a test push notification to this user, the user should delete the application, install it and add the device as a test device again.

      What does "Not Registered Error" mean?

      It means the user has uninstalled the app and is no longer reachable on Android. This error is generally seen on Android SDK versions higher than 8.0 since the UDID changes when the user deletes the application and installs it back. In this case, you need to add the device as a test device again.

      What does "No Device Token Error" mean?

      If a device has not allowed push notifications, it will receive this error. The push notifications should be allowed.

      What does "Device Token Not For Topic Error" mean?

      It means the push notification certificate topic and the application package name do not match. You can see the certificate topic through Application Settings > Push Notifications, and the application package name through Test Devices page.

      This is one of the most common cases after completing the integration on iOS platform. Please advise your developer to check the documentation: https://mobile.useinsider.com/documentation?section=1&subsection=1

      Can I see who sent a test push notification?

      You cannot see who sent a specific test push notification on the panel.

      What does it mean when the event parameter's value can be tracked but the test status fails?

      This depends on the data type. When the first event parameter is sent to the system in a different data type, the status will be updated as failed. For instance, the system checks if the value type is doubled or not. In any case the value was sent in "string" type, it would fail.

      What does "Not Tested" event on the Test Lab mean?

      If the event is not properly triggered or integrated, this event seems as not tested.

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