FAQ for Two-Factor Authentication
  • 01 Nov 2023
  • 1 Minute to read

    FAQ for Two-Factor Authentication

      Article Summary

      Can I disable my personal two-factor authentication?

      Yes, you can. However, if your panel's two-factor authentication (2FA) is enabled, your access will be suspended unless you enabled the two-factor authentication (2FA). 

      Why am I seeing Access Suspended message while I’m logging in?

      This is because your personal 2FA is not enabled while the panel's 2FA is active. This means that you must need to enable two-factor authentication (2FA) to access the panel. 

      To solve it, click on Enable 2FA button. Once you enable it, if your setup is already completed, you’ll be redirected to the page where you can enter your authentication code generated by an authenticator app. If you have not set it up earlier, you’ll be redirected to the Setup Process.

      I’m not able to see the User Management section in the InOne panel. How can I reset my two-factor authentication setup?

      The manage user role is required to perform the reset via Insider's InOne panel. You can reach out to your admin to perform this action.

      Why is the code generated by my authenticator app not accepted on the login screen?

      Make sure that the time of the device where the authenticator app is installed and of the device you're using to log in match exactly.

      Why is my backup code not accepted?

      You cannot use the same backup code twice. Before running out of backup codes, you should generate new ones.

      I’ve enabled the “Remember this device for 1 Week” option. Why am I still asked for an authentication code?

      You might be using a different browser on the same device. In this case, you would need a different code.

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