FAQ for Deep Links
  • 25 Dec 2023
  • 1 Minute to read

    FAQ for Deep Links

      Article Summary

      As the deep link structure is unique for each application, it should be correctly integrated by the partner and the application developer. Insider does not have the access to manipulate it.

      Internal URL will enable the application to open a web-view inside the app when a URL such as https://www.google.com is added.

      External URL triggers the application to open the specified URL on the device’s default web browser.

      You can add attributes anywhere in the deep link section with Add Attribute button. Usually, this property is used to direct users to dynamic pages.

      For example, say you want to direct users to the detail page of the last item they visited. You can add the last_visited_product attribute inside the deep link, and when users open the notification they will be directed to the detail page of the last product they visited. Please note that the deep link schema of the application should be compatible with this format.

      No, the URLs added in the messages would be received as plain text rather than hyperlinks and would not redirect users.

      If there is no deep link, or if the deep link key/ value is false, users will be redirected to the homepage.

      Yes, if the correct deep link is used to redirect users to the app.

      As each application has a unique deep link structure, there is no specific method. However, you can check here for further details.

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