FAQ for App Survey
  • 27 Apr 2024
  • 1 Minute to read

    FAQ for App Survey

      Article Summary

      Can I change the option count on NPS campaigns?

      Yes, you can. We suggest you keep it 10 as NPS campaigns globally function on a 0-10 scale.

      Is there any limit for the number of questions in survey campaigns?

      Yes, you can set up to 20 questions.

      Can I use multiple-choice questions in survey campaigns?

      Yes, you can use multiple-choice questions as well.

      Can I use NPS and survey features on the same campaign?

      No, different templates cannot be used on the same campaign at the same time.

      Can I set attributes for users based on their answers on the surveys?

      Yes, you can. You can also use the existing attributes to segment them based on their answers.

      Why isn't there an ID in the exported survey results sheet?

      Your account should have a selected primary identifier to understand which users respond in your app survey campaign. Otherwise this section will be empty in the report. If you do not have one, go to Settings > Mobile App Settings > General > User Primary Identifier to choose an identifier.

      How can we encourage users to respond in the surveys?

      You can toggle the Required option on, and make this question a required one for users to submit an answer.

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      Eddy, a super-smart generative AI, opening up ways to have tailored queries and responses