FAQ about App APIs
  • 05 Aug 2023
  • 5 Minutes to read

    FAQ about App APIs

      Article Summary

      Is any integration needed for APIs?

      There is no integration on the SDK side. It is enough to follow the steps in the API development documentation. This development should be handled by the app developer. Since the API developments don't require any SDK integrations, the application doesn't require an update from the Stores either.

      How does Push API work?

      Insider Push API is a service that programmatically sends push notifications in real time over the web using a predefined web service. Insider Push API works specifically with web services that you create. You can use Push API in various scenarios such as sending status update of an order from your ecommerce platform or informing user of a sale on an item that was in their wish list.

      Can Push API send push notifications to a specific segment?

      No. Each user who should receive the push notification should be described in the payload one by one. Thus, we can't send a push notification to a segment defined in the Insider Mobile Panel. Bulk Push API can be used to send a push notification to a specific segment.

      What is the difference between the API key uploaded to the panel and the API key used in the Push API?

      The API key uploaded to the panel is generated by Firebase and it is used to send push notifications to Android devices. On the other hand, the Push API key, or Server API key, is generated by Insider and it is used to send push notifications via API.

      What does "No Partner Found With API Key" error that appears while trying to send notifications via Push API mean?

      This error message returns if the partner tries to send API request using an invalid API key. The correct API key should be presented to the partner in order to overcome the issue.

      What is the notification array in the payload?

      Notifications array is the array that can contain multiple notification objects. This notification objects consist of target, title, message etc. You can add multiple notification objects into the notifications array and can send multiple different messages to multiple different users.

      How can we send test push notifications via Push API?

      In order to send push notifications only to test devices, you would only need to include "test_push":true in the request body.

      Can we insert badges on top of the application icon in the push notifications sent by Push API?

      In order to show a badge on the application icon, you would need to implement the badge key value field in the payload (e.g."badge":2).

      What is Bulk Push API and what is the difference between Bulk Push API and Push API?

      Bulk Push API is used in order to send push notifications to a specific segment. Please remember that the intended segment should be created on the Insider Mobile Panel first. As for the Push API, each user that is intended to receive the push notification should be implemented in the payload one by one.

      Can we use batch deliveries for the push notifications sent by Bulk Push API?

      Yes. If the batch delivery is selected in the Delivery Options, the push notification deliveries will be sent in batches.

      Insider Carousel Push API is a service that programmatically sends push notifications in real time over the web using a predefined web service. Carousel Push API works specifically with web services that you create. You can use Carousel Push API in various scenarios such as sending recommended items based on your users' previous visits/purchase or informing user of a sale on items that was in their wish list.

      Can I use Event API to share any data about the users who are not registered in the Insider database?

      No, that is not possible. A user must be registered in the Insider database in order to be updated by their events. This means the user should have the application installed and have a session started at least once.

      What is Event API? What can we use it for?

      Insider Event API is a service that enables you to programmatically modify events the users trigger in real time over the web using a predefined web service. You can consider Event API as a bridge between your own database and Insider. You can use it to feed Insider database when your user triggers a certain rule in your own CRM. For example, if a user has purchased an item in one of the offline stores and you want to keep this information on Insider, you can use Event API to share this data.

      Can I use User API to share any data about the users who are not registered in the Insider database?

      No, that is not possible. A user must be registered in the Insider database in order to be updated by their attributes. This means the user should have the application installed and have a session started at least once.

      What is User API? What can we use it for?

      Insider User API is a service that enables you to programmatically modify user attributes in real time over the web using a predefined web service. You can consider User API as a bridge between your own database and Insider. You can use it to feed Insider database when there is a change in user’s attributes in your own CRM. For example, if an application has 100K users with registered emails and 200K with no registered emails, you can feed the emails of these users to Insider with the help of User API.

      Can we host the image on our end and display it on the push notification by calling it via an API?

      You can use Targeted API for rich push notifications that have 1 image, and Advanced API for carousel and slider push notifications.

      How can I see user-specific campaign statistics?

      You can see these stats via Campaign Engagement API. 

      What is the "requests per second" limit for push API?

      It is 200 requests per minute.

      Can I add images for API Push?

      Yes, you can use images with API by applying Advanced Push API

      Can we send an app push after order status is updated (picked, shipped, delivered)?

      Yes, you can run campaigns based on these rules using the Targeted API

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