Facebook Ads Authentication Error Codes
  • 16 Apr 2024
  • 1 Minute to read

    Facebook Ads Authentication Error Codes

      Article Summary

      The integration with Facebook Business Account might not be authenticated. In this case, you receive an error code. You can refer to the table below for the codes and further details:

      CodeNameWhat to do
      458App not installedYou have not logged into your app. You need to reauthenticate.
      459User Checkpointed
      You need to log in at https://www.facebook.com or https://m.facebook.com to correct an issue.
      460Password Changed
      On iOS 6 and above, if you logged in using the OS-integrated flow, navigate to Facebook OS settings on the device to update your password. Otherwise, you must log in to the app again.
      Login status or access token has expired, been revoked, or is otherwise invalid. Handle expired access tokens.
      464Unconfirmed User
      You need to log in at https://www.facebook.com or https://m.facebook.com to correct an issue.
      467Invalid Access Token
      Access token has expired, been revoked, or is otherwise invalid. Handle expired access tokens.
      492Invalid Session
      You do not have an appropriate role on the Page associated with the Page access token.

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