Excluding Insider from Google Analytics referrals
  • 23 Aug 2023
  • 1 Minute to read

    Excluding Insider from Google Analytics referrals

      Article Summary

      Previous Steps:

      If you have transitioned your account to Google Analytics 4, refer to Referral Exclusion for Google Analytics 4 to list Insider as an unwanted referral. If not, you can apply the following steps.

      Onsite banners and notifications are served from Insider domains. Therefore, clicks to these may cause Google Analytics referral reports to count *useinsider.com* as a referral source and restart sessions.

      To prevent this action, you should add the domain "*useinsider.com" to the Referral Exclusion List in your Google Analytics account. 

      To configure this step, refer to Referral Exclusion for Google Analytics.

      Once you complete your integration, get started with Step-by-Step Inone to get to know Insider's Inone panel.

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