Service Worker File Integration for Wordpress
  • 25 Sep 2023
  • 1 Minute to read

    Service Worker File Integration for Wordpress

      Article Summary

      To integrate Service Worker on Wordpress:

      1. Reach your server panel.
      2. Open the File Manager from the server panel.
      3. Click right on the public_html file and create a new sub-folder named insider

        4. Navigate to the insider folder which you just created. Click right on it and create a new file named "insider-sw-sdk.js".

        5.  Click right on the insider-sw-sdk.js file and click Edit. 6. Paste the following integration code here and Save it.

        "function"===typeof importScripts&&importScripts("");

        7. As the final step, go to InOne > Web Push > Web Push Settings > Integration. Update integration file path and save it.

        Your title goes here
        The Service Worker name must be “insider-sw-sdk.js” and it must be on the same path both on the Integration tab on InOne and on your server panel (such as /insider/insider-sw-sdk.js on both paths).

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