Personal Settings
  • 24 Oct 2023
  • 1 Minute to read

    Personal Settings

      Article Summary

      Personal Settings allow you to manage your profile that includes your password, panel language, two-factor authentication, and backup codes. Click your username > Settings > InOne Settings to navigate to this page.

      Your Username and Password

      The email address you see in this field is the username you need to use when logging into your account. You can change your password any time by simply clicking Change Password.

      Inone Panel Language

      The default panel language is English. You can use your panel in English, Japanese, Turkish, Korean, Simplified Chinese, Vietnamese, Portuguese and Traditional Chinese. Once the panel language is updated to any language other than English, your panel will be displayed in the respective language where the translation is available. 

      your title goes here
      Note: Please remember that this setting is user-based and does not change the language for all registered users.

      Two-Factor Authentication

      Two-factor authentication enables you to log into your account with one more layer of security using Google Authenticator app. You can also generate backup codes if you do not have access to the authenticator app on your mobile device.

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