Apple's Account Deletion Offering
  • 10 Oct 2023
  • 2 Minutes to read

    Apple's Account Deletion Offering

      Article Summary

      Apple recently issued a new policy called the Account Deletion. This policy suggests that businesses are obligated to have a method to delete users on their applications if the applications have user creation structures. Apple also states that an application shall delete personal data of a user if they want it deleted. However, this is not obligatory, but depends on the application.

      For further information, refer to Apple's Offering account deleting in your app page.

      This guide aims to answer the following questions:

      When will this policy become effective?

      This policy will be effective as of 30 June 2022. As of this date, Apple will check if this policy is in use, and will have the right to reject applications from the store in the event of a policy violation.

      For further information, refer to Apple's post about account deletion.

      What is Insider's responsibility?

      App owners are supposed to manage the entire process. Third party tools, like Insider, are not responsible for detecting the user deletion, or deciding what data to delete. App owners shall build this structure inside their applications if they have user creation, and decide what data to delete inside the application. Besides, if they want to delete personal data, they shall do it via Insider's "delete" capabilities.

      How can we delete user data?

      App owners can leverage Insider's delete capabilities as a response to Apple's new policy, and can use the following methods to delete user data on Insider:

      • Delete User Data API
      • Delete User Attribute API
      • Unset Custom Attribute via SDK
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      Deleting user data and attributes cannot be undone. This operation will permanently delete the user data.

      Delete User Data API

      This API allows you to delete all of user data. Please note that deleting a user means that you will lose all the related user data on Insider regardless of the channel. For example, if you are using more than one channel on Insider, all of the user data will be deleted not only for Mobile App, but for all platforms.

      Delete User Attribute API

      This API allows you to delete specific user attributes. If you do not want to delete all of the user data but only specific data, you can use this API.

      Unset Custom Attribute via SDK

      This SDK method allows you to delete specific custom attributes. If you do not want to delete all of the user data but only some specific custom attribute data, you can implement these methods. Depending on your app platform, refer to iOS, React Native, Flutter, or Cordova.

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