Anatomy of a Web Campaign
  • 09 Apr 2024
  • 4 Minutes to read

    Anatomy of a Web Campaign

      Article Summary

      Insider's Desktop, Mobile and Responsive Web Suites offer various templates that serve your brand's campaign needs. These web templates have similar structures in terms of navigation, template selection, segmentation, targeting, campaign creation, goals and launch configuration.

      You need to apply five main configuration steps to each campaign, whether you’re working on desktop or mobile:

      • Design to style your template.
      • Segments to set your target audience.
      • Rules to set your target pages.
      • Goals to measure the performance of your campaign.
      • Launch to configure language and start-end date of your campaign.

      This guide will walk you through navigating the product, creating a campaign, and selecting a template and finally, launching your campaign.

      After logging in to your Insider account, you will land on Executive Summary Dashboard. On the left sidebar, you can see the menu items: Favorites, Reports, Experience, Audience, Insights, Predict, Advanced App analytics and Components. 

      Navigate to Experience > Optimize > Web Templates.

      Click on Web Templates to select a web template. You will be directed to a listing page where you can see the campaigns that you previously created. This is the page on which you will start personalizing your campaign.

      Creating a campaign

      1. Click the Create button on the right top corner.

      2. Name your campaign using the field on the right side of your window and click the Create button to start configuring the steps of your personalization.

      1. Design 

      You will be directed to the template library to start designing your campaign. 

      1. Choose a template to suit your campaign objectives.
      2. Select the platform you wish to launch your campaign on and click the Use For {Device} button.  

      3. Determine a variant for one or more alternative version of your campaign to show. Click the Save and Continue button. 

      2. Segments

      Segmentation is the process of dividing a broad consumer group into sub-groups based on shared characteristics such as past purchases or visit frequency. 

      You can select one or more user groups to show your campaign based on the following segment options:

      your title goes here

      If you do not apply any segment, your campaign will be delivered to all available users. 

      When you select a segment, you will see the properties available to that segment (e.g. segment name, operators, value). You can create segment groups and condition them using on AND/OR logic. 

      Once you have selected your segments (or if you decide not to select any) you can click Save and Continue to proceed to the next step: Rules.

      3. Rules

      Rules enable you to trigger your campaign based on conditions such as page URL, traffic source and device type. 

      The list below shows all available rules. You can choose one or more to trigger your campaign.

      your title goes here
      Unlike Segments, you cannot personalize your campaign without selecting any rules. If you do now have any specifications on where to display the campaign, you can select Page Rules > Page Type > All Pages to trigger your campaign on all pages for eligible users.

      You can also create your own triggers using Campaign Trigger Settings and Advanced Settings. With Campaign Trigger Settings, you can use one campaign to trigger another. With Advanced Settings, you can set when your campaign will broadcast to users: either immediately or after a delay.

      4. Goals

      Goals enable you to track the performance of your campaign. Keeping track of the respective metrics helps you strategize your campaign. 

      You can keep only the default goals or create a new goal using the available goal types following the guide for Adding a new goal.

      You can also access Goal Durations from this pages to configure settings like when a user is assigned to a variant of a campaign, how long conversations are logged, and when a user will see a campaign after they trigger it.

      5. Launch

      Launch is the last step before your campaign goes live. However, before launching your campaign, you need to:

      • Configure your campaign settings
      • Generate your panel
      • Test your campaign
      your title goes here
      We strongly suggest you keep your campaign status as Test while you configure and review it to make sure it's set correctly. Once you test your campaign and it is ready to go live, you can change the status to Active to launch it.

      Configure your campaign settings

      In the Launch step, you can configure the following settings for you campaign:

      Generate your panel

      Before testing or launching your campaign, you need to generate your panel. To do so, follow the instructions for Generating Inone

      your title goes here
      If you do not generate your panel, no changes will be applied to your campaigns.

      Test your campaign

      Before launching your campaign, we suggest you to test your variant(s) using the Testing a Web Campaign as a guide. 

      Launch your campaign

      Now that you understand the anatomy of a web campaign, you can start building and launching unique user experiences that boost engagement, drive conversions and increase brand loyalty. 

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