Email Segments
  • 19 May 2023
  • 1 Minute to read

    Email Segments

      Article Summary

      Email Segmentation divides your customers into smaller groups based on some pre-determined criteria to send personalized emails accordingly. 

      Segmentation is a very effective marketing strategy that is used for personalization purposes. You can deliver more relevant content to each group of recipients with the help of email segmentation. This will result in an increase in open and click rates, thus an increase in revenue.

      Available Email Segments

      The available segments on which you can divide your customer lists are:

      Email Events

      Email events create segments based on the email clicks, opens, or subscribed rate. 

      Email Open

      This is the event that indicates opening an email campaign.
      Variation ID: Variation ID of the email campaign that is opened
      Source: Source of the email, either Email or Journey

      Email Unsubscribe

      This is the event that indicates the unsubscribes from all email campaigns.
      Variation ID: Variation ID of the email campaign that users unsubscribe from
      Source: Source of the email, either Email or Journey

      Email Group Unsubscribe

      This is the event that indicates the unsubscribes from an email campaign group.
      Variation ID: Variation ID of the email campaign that users unsubscribe from
      Source: Source of the email, either Email or Journey

      Email Click

      This is the event that indicates clicking on an email campaign.
      Variation ID: Variation ID of the email campaign that users clicked
      Source: Source of the email, either Email or Journey
      URL: URL which is clicked on the campaign

      Email Delivered

      This is the event that indicates the delivery of an email campaign.
      Variation ID: Variation ID of the email campaign that users receive
      Source: Source of the email, either Email or Journey

      Email Bounce

      Variation ID: Variation ID of the email campaign that was sent to users but bounced
      Source: Source of the email, either Email or Journey
      Reason: Reasons for email bounce
      Type: Type of email bounce (hard, soft)

      Email Spam Report

      Variation ID: Variation ID of the email campaign that users reported as spam
      Source: Source of the email, either Email or Journey


      Eddy, a super-smart generative AI, opening up ways to have tailored queries and responses