Email Conversion Tracking
  • 22 Apr 2024
  • 1 Minute to read

    Email Conversion Tracking

      Article Summary

      If a subscriber receives an email campaign, clicks on one of the links in the campaign, and makes a purchase within the next 14 days (the default duration), this purchase is counted as a conversion.

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      The default goal conversion duration is updated from 7 days to 14 days for accounts that activated the email product as of March 28, 2024. If you were already using the Email product before this date, your conversion goal duration settings will remain unchanged.

      Conversion rate, in this sense, indicates the percentage of subscribers among your overall campaign recipients that perform the desired action after receiving your email campaign. It is calculated as (# conversions / # delivered emails) x 100.

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      If you want to change the Goal Conversion Duration for tracking conversions, you can do it in the Email Settings. You can also customize this duration per campaign on the Launch step. 

      The default goal of Insider's Email product is purchase. When a user makes a purchase, that is counted as a conversion. The overall revenue of email product is tracked based on last click attribution model.

      For example, a user clicks on a product with a price of 10 USD in 5 different campaigns, and purchases it. Each campaign would have a revenue of 10 USD based on this purchase. However, the overall analytics unifies the revenue to not duplicate the data. That's why, only the purchase based on the last-click attribution would be recorded, and the revenue for this product would only be 10 USD in the overall analytics.

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